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Polyakova Yana

Polyakova Yana

Faculty: Management and innovation department

Speciality: Human Resource Management and Economy of Labour

Theme of master's work:

Improving the conditions of labour in the enterprises

Scientific adviser: Podluzhnaya Natalia

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


The Mean score in training at university 4,6. Freely I know Russian and Ukrainian languages. In volume, sufficient for reading, I know English. I have no operational experience. I take a great interest in reading of the psychological literature in area gestures, nonverbal signals. At leisure I listen to music, I play a piano.

Short biography:

The childhood

I was born on the sixth of December in 1986 in Donetsk. Parents: my father is Polyakov Sergey, born in 1957; my mother is Polyakova Natalia, born in 1959.

In 1988 I attended the kindergarten ¹40. My special talent is playing the piano. The brightest memories are the birth of my sister Olga and meeting my relatives from Moscow.

The school

In 1994 has gone to school ¹ 32. There was the honours pupil and the class monitor. Teachers: Klukovskaya Larissa Timofeevna (mathematics), Bondarenko Anna Valerevna (chemistry). Achievements – reception of the red certificate, a silver medal for high successes in study. Hobbies: competition of ball dances, presentations of classes.

The special gratitude has been expressed for high achievements in a field of knowledge.

The university

The Personal initiative was a choice of Donetsk National Technical University in which the Speciality Human Resource Management and Economy of Labour has arrived in 2004 parents have advised. In training at university much has learnt about a speciality. Special successes and achievements: grant reception for good study, receipt in a magistracy.

The greatest advantage was brought by studying of following subjects: ethics and an aesthetics, higher mathematics, psychology and pedagogic, specialist subjects.

It is especially necessary to note following teachers: Shvets Irina Borisovna, Podluzhnaya Natalia Aleksandrovna, Zaharova Oksana Vladimirovna,Sled Alexandra Nikolaevna.

The aspiration completely to finish formation began motivation of receipt in magistracy. The personal initiative and an urgency of the given theme became presently motivation of a choice of a theme magistracy works "Improving the conditions of labour in the enterprises". On manufacture it is necessary, in order to avoid traumas and occupational diseases, to improve conditions and a labour safety. Each employer should care about health of the workers and pay them necessary indemnifications for harmful and dangerous working conditions. The supervisor of studies have appointed on chair.

The previous operational experience with Internet technologies on a low level.

Professional and creative plans for the near future: to pass practice on manufacture, to write the report, magistracy work, it is successful to protect it, to receive the diplom.

The distant purposes: to get a job on a speciality, to work in the good rallied collective.

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