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Potapova Anna

Faculty of economy

Department of economy and marketing

Speciality: Economy of enterprise (marketing)

Theme of master's work:

Sale policy of enterprises of coke and chemical industry in the conditions of entering into WTO

Scientific adviser: Nadtoka Tat'yana Borisovna



Development of industry, conditioned for Ukraine not only an internal necessity but also necessity of effective integration in the international division of labor, requires the increase of competitiveness of goods, especially in the conditions of entering of Ukraine into World Trade Organization (WTO). That is why on the modern stage substantial attention is spared the industrial marketing.

Sale policy - one of the major in the marketing policy of enterprise. Here marketing specialists touch the question about choosing the most optimum channel of sale, method of sale of goods which undoubtedly will multiply the income of the company.

Research actuality

Actuality of the theme is conditioned, at first by the entry of Ukraine in WTO, which will result to adjoin Ukraine with a plenty of difficulties and problems in sailing of domestic uncompetitive products, including the enterprises of chemical complex too. In addition, a modern economic crisis causes failures of production and sale goods in the base industries of economy which are able to undermine economic security of the state. Actuality of the theme of master's degree dissertation is also determined the technological features of research object – enterprises of coke and chemical industry, which substantially influences on sale activity: by the continuity of shipping of the products and others like that.

Object and article of research

A research object is industrial enterprises of Ukraine, including enterprises of coke and chemical industry, as to one of the biggest.

Methodical approaches, instruments, mechanisms of construction an effective sale policy of industrial enterprises are the article of master's degree dissertation.

Purpose and tasks

The purpose of master's degree work consists in development of theoretical positions, and also methodical and practical recommendations, according to forming of an effective sale policy of coke and chemical enterprises. Achieving the purpose of this work needs next to decide the followings tasks:

Methods and informative base of research

Methods of researches are scientific methods of cognition: descriptive method, method of analytical comparison of information, collected during passing practice at industrial enterprise, analysis of literary sources, methods of financial and economic analysis, methods of prognostication.

An informative base are labours of domestic and foreign scientists about forming of sale activity of enterprise, statistical information of the State committee of statistics, current information of Avdeevsky coke and chemistry factory.

Basic part

Chemical industry is one of the major and dynamically develops industries in a world economy, which is conditioned wide introduction of innovations, appearance of new markets and new spheres of using the chemical products. An economy of Ukraine is extraordinarily export-oriented (an about 50% industrial production is export, and a part of chemical industry of it is 12-15%). As chemical industry has a substantial influence on economic development of the state, it is necessary to provide effective realization of the made products. Actuality of it is also underlined by modern state of industry which decreased the production and realization of products for different reasons. It needs to form an effective sale policy, which will includes the aims of enterprise, requirements and interests of buyers, market condition, influencing of external and internal factors.

A sale policy is a complex of principles, methods and measures which are used guidance for organization and management sale activity of enterprise with the purpose of providing of effective sales of goods within the limits of certain markets of targets.

The basic parts of sale policy is:

It should be noted that all elements of sale policy are interdependent . The action of one instrument can considerably promote an action other, what can provide a sinergeticheskiy effect. That is why the construction of sale policy of any enterprise must be carried out on principles of approach of the systems.

By basic factors which influence on forming of modern sale policy of coke and chemical industry of Ukraine followings: specific of technological process and shipping of commodity, entering of Ukraine to WTO, growth of competition from the side of countries which develop quickly (China), modern financial crisis.

Study of magazines and other sources which light the state of coke and chemical industry allowed to find out the problems of coke and chemical industry of Ukraine. The most actual of them is an uncompetitiveness of products which is produced, as a result of absence of modern technologies, out-of-date system of organization of sale activity, weak application of marketings methods of promotion the products. In addition, a no less important problem is to, that absence of the personal circulating funds at domestic enterprises hampers the process of retooling of production in a part of update of capital assets. It does not allow enterprises to make high-quality, competitive in the world market products and thus to pursue an effective external economic policy.

On the whole a chemical complex needs modernization, innovative orientation in the activity. In work presented suggestion on creation of marketing department of enterprise and forming an effective sale policy of enterprises of chemical industry taking into account benefits and threats of membership of Ukraine in WTO.

Possibly can be use an import leasing to update of technology of production and retooling of out-of-date equipment which will allow to make competitive products and will leads to the most effective sales.

The use of social conception of sale is offered. Work in area of management a sale will allow to produce an image of enterprise, learn and form demand, organize public relations and sales promotion, promote efficiency of advancement of products, extend the markets of sale and retain those, that we already have.

On this stage, master's degree dissertation is in a state of development. The final variant of work will be prepared in December, 2009. For complete variant of this work will be possible to apply after December, 2009 to Potapova Anna or scientific leader Nadtoka Tat’yana.

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