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Remenets Dmytro

Remenets Dmytro

Faculty: Economy

Speciality: Economy of enterprise

Title of master's work:

Improvement of expence management

Scientific adviser: Stepanova Tatyana

Materials on the title of master's work: Abstract


When I was studying at university my average grade was 4,9. I know Russian and Ukrainian languages excellent, I’m learning English. My hobbies are reading books, movies, music, new people and places.

Short biography:

I was born on 26 June 1987 in the city of Donetsk, Ukraine. In my family there are four people: mother, father, my brother and me. At the moment we live in an apartment in the neighborhood Shyroky, but up to five years I lived in the area of Komsomolsk. In 1993, I entered in a local secondary school number 69, which graduated with honors. At school the greatest interest are such disciplines as mathematics, chemistry, physics, etc. These hobbies I can explain the fact that since childhood I was fond of the various sciences and interesting discoveries in these areas. I participated in various competitions on Physical Training: Athletics and running. In 1998 entered the School of Arts, where I studied painting for three years. School number 69 graduated after eleven classes in 2004. In 2002 entered the preparatory course for admission to the university, where was studying higher mathematics and the Ukrainian language. In 2004, after the end of the course, I had rated in the Donetsk National Technical University. As a profession I chose «Economy». This selection can explain the fact that consider economics a useful and practical in life. The university gave special preference for the study of humanities as «Economy of enterprise», «Management of expenses», «Marketing», «Innovation policy», etc. In the university I was working in such scientific activities like areas optimize cash flow, reduce costs in the enterprise, exploring the impact of various macroeconomic factors on the subjects of management, the development of methods to increase efficiency and reduce accounting costs and production losses. These works were presented in the coursework and research papers. My entrance at magistracy I can explain by the necessity of in-plant training and own desire to extend skills and knowledges. My choice of theme of master paper I explain by cause that one of the most essential aspects of activity of enterprise is correct organization of expense policy and decline of costs for the increase of profitability of enterprise. In 2008, received a bachelor diploma. Then in the same year I entered the magistracy of the same specialty. In the future, I am planning to get a second higher education, work in the specialty and be a great expert in my work. I believe that for humans it is important to achieve the goal, but success is determined by the choice of tools and approaches.

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