RUS | UKR | ENG || ÄîíÍÒÓ > Ïîðòàë master's degrees DonNTU
Roenko-Letova Viktoria

Roenko-Letova Victoria

Faculty: Management and innovations

Speciality: Human resources management and labour economics

Theme of master’s work:

Rise efficiency of management by a personnel on the basis of perfection of the corporate culture of organization

Scientific advizer: Chumachenko Helen

Materials on the theme of master’s work: Referat |

About me (main):

Middle mark in the period of studies in university 5,0. Freely I know the Russian, Ukrainian languages. In a volume sufficient for reading and correspondence, I own English. On today main my the fascination and duty - education of daughter.

Short biography:

I was born in the town of Pershotravensk Dnepropetrovsk region in 1986, there grew and walked in school. In 2004ã. entered an university on speciality the "Management by a personnel and economy of labour". After ending of 4th course entered city council on the same speciality. I am engaged in master's degree work on a theme: "Rise of efficiency of management by a personnel on the basis of perfection of corporate culture of enterprise".


I was born I in Pershotravensk Dnepropetrovsk obl., in which and passed my childhood and adolescence. A dad was mountain master on a mine "Anniversary". A mother worked as master of workshop on making of toys.

 childhood I was a modest in public girlie, exemplary student, but to the parents handsomely pomotala nerves. Such my character traits, as a persistence and purposefulness were mortgaged in childhood still, therefore to over-persuade me in something, what I was sure in, turned out quite impossible. Nevertheless, I always made happy parents by the successes in a study.


In the school to the 9th class I was an exemplary student, and then my conduct changed some, but it has not interfered with my study. Teachers met mainly good, the teacher of physical education in 10-11 classes was the exception. Achievements in times of study are victories in olympiads on different objects (especially on mathematics). The greatest achievement is the busy in a 7th class second place on a regional olympiad on mathematics. At school I carried with organization of different measures jointly with my friend and zavuchem. Also visited a sporting section (basket-ball which I love and ponine).

I want gratitude for pleasant moments in the lives and help to express to all school friends and Stupakovoy T.A.


Receipt in an university was my dream from a 9th class, as recklessly it was desirable to leave in a city. I entered 4 universities in Kharkov and practically by a chance decided to act in DonNTU. And then decided that it is better to study in Donetsk, than in the first capital of our motherland. Supported my choice the circumstance that my parents studied in this university, they became acquainted and lived in the same dormitory, that and I. Speciality chose most suitable to my personality descriptions. I after the night conducted in Kharkov on the station and arrival to Donetsk handed over preliminary examinations. On a budget I was not taken, but translated at the end of chetvertoo course. And in a city council acted on a budget. Main my success in times of teaching with a study is unconnected. This creation of family and birth of daughter.

The biggest a benefit was brought by the study of the following objects: higher mathematics (my most favourite object) and management of personnel.

Motivation receipts in a city council: possibility of teaching due to facilities gos. budget and all greater introduction of principles of the Bolonskogo process in Ukraine.

Distant and fellow creature purposes are education of daughter and ending of university.