Магистр ДонНТУ Семиболотный Артем Александрович

Artem Semibolotnyi

Faculty: Economic

Department: Enterprise economy

Speciality: Management in Innovations

Theme of master's work: "Improvement of the logistic methods in formation of enterprise's innovative potential"

Leader of work: I. Bondareva

Summary of research and developments

The relevance of the study subjects. The modern economy dependends on the efficient generation, purchasing, distribution and using of innovations. The introduction of knowledge through innovation and using of information becomes the main factor in international competitiveness and thereby raise the standard of living. Targeting innovative way of development, proclaimed by the concept of economic stabilization and growth in Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On innovation, requires the local agents of economic activity a radical overhaul of the entire system of governance, the creation on the basis of modern concepts of management system of finding new fields and ways of forming and implement their own innovative capacity. In these circumstances zakonomeren interested scholars and practitioners to the theoretical problems of developing an effective organizational and economic mechanism of managing the processes of innovation development of economic activity in the market environment.

Fundamentals of the theory of innovation inherent in the development of G. Tougan-Baranovskogo, Y.-A. Schumpeter, M. Кондратьєва, their deepening concerns regarding the management of innovations contained in the works of Robert Solow, B. Твісса, B. Santo, N. Менсфілда. Further development of the theory and practice of management of innovation processes is reflected in one way or another, as in works of I. Ansoffa (USA), E. Брукінга (USA), J. Voronetskogo (Poland), L. Vodacheka (Slovak Republic), S. Gomulki (Poland ), by P. Drucker (USA), B. Karlofa (USA), M. Castells (USA), F. Kotler (USA), G. Кузьмішина (Slovak Republic), G. Cooper (USA), J. Lambe (UK ), D. Lambert (United Kingdom), T. Левітта (USA), M. Melouna (USA), I. Nonaka (Japan), M. Porter (USA), Y. Takeuchi (Japan), S. Tatsuno (Japan) M. Hammer (USA), M. Uoterbaha (USA), J. Ciampi (United States) and others. Issues of innovation, the individual aspects on the works of Ukrainian scientists V. Alexandrova, Yu I wish L. Beschasnogo, P. Belenky, E. Boyko, S. Vovkanicha, V. Geytsa, G. Gerasimchuka, G. Dobrova, M. Dolishnogo , S. Zlupka, M. Kozoriz, A. Kuzmin, O. Lapko, I. Lukinova, B. Malitskaya, V. Muntiyana, I. Petrovic, Y. Poburka, I. Prodiusa, V. Soloviev, M. Chumachenko, N . Chukhrai, other well-known Russian scholars and practitioners.

The vast majority of research on innovation focuses on the production of innovative development of concept, in which the focus is primarily on product and technology innovations. Nonetheless, the volatile, rapidly changing environment, increased competition in the domestic market and through it to find new reserves in the business, key factors for success are not only productive innovations, but also organizational and managerial innovations, in particular logistics. Indeed, in modern conditions is not sufficient to effectively develop and produce innovation. No less important is the decision (perhaps even at the design stage) problems adapting innovations to the needs of the target market, the commercialization and diffusion of innovation, the delivery of consumer innovation at the right place on time with minimum expenditure of financial resources and time. The growth of the individual subjects of economic activity (especially high-tech enterprise areas), the importance of their orientation on the type of innovative development update problem formation and use of their innovative capacity. An effective solution to this problem includes the logistics of identifying and using existing and emerging market opportunities, strategic and tactical decisions regarding the development of innovative enterprises with a view to achieving them persistent competitive advantage, maximize profitability indicators, the high favor of consumers in the market and so on. Solving this problem will make it possible to transform the spontaneous, uncontrolled by market or administrative controls, an intuitive approach to science-based search for ways to build innovation capacity of enterprises, making the transition to the concept of innovation development. Despite the growing number of studies and publications on the one hand, the issue of innovation management and logistics, and on the other - the problems of formation and realization of innovation potential of enterprises in a market economy, there is a lack of an integrated approach to the theoretical solution of the above problems. In these circumstances, an important study the nature and structure of the innovative capacity of enterprises, monitoring, analyzing market opportunities for innovative development and the formation of the target markets for their implementation, the role of organizational and managerial innovations in the process of building innovation capabilities, require the development of methodical ensuring logistic solutions in innovation, as are the priority issues of system approach to managing the innovation potential of enterprises to achieve the current and strategic goals.

Relevance of the problems outlined above, the theory of the formation of innovative capacity and widening the range of scientific research in this important sphere of economy was a factor in the choice of research topic, defining the purpose and objectives of the study, the expected practical results.

Relationship of academic programs, plans, themes. Thesis meets scientific directions of Economics enterprises of Donetsk National Technical University: "Logistics innovation, innovative capacity of enterprises," "The formation of innovation policy of the company, management of innovation potential of the company."

The purpose and objectives of the study. The aim of this work is theoretical study of how to use the methods of logistics in the formation of the innovative capacity of enterprises and the rationale for the proposals for their improvement on the problem of innovation.

Achieving the target resulted in the need for the implementation of these tasks:

  • analyze the development of logistics management;
  • theoretically justify the integration of logistics in the innovation enterprise;
  • justify a system of economic criteria and methodological approaches to assessment and monitoring of the innovative capacity of companies to choose the strategy of innovative development of economic entities;
  • evaluate the role and place of organizational and managerial innovation, and to outline directions for their use in the innovative development of enterprises;
  • explore the essence of the formation mechanism of logistics innovation capabilities of enterprises;
  • explore the theoretical aspects and to suggest ways to improve decision-making process regarding the design parameters of innovation according to the requirements of logistics companies build innovation capacity.

The object of research is the innovation potential of enterprises.

The subject of the study are the theoretical basis and practical principles of the innovative capacity of enterprises.

Methodology of the study. The fundamental methodology. The principles of dialectics, determinism, isomorphism. Obschenauchnaya methodology. The principles of the historical approach, terminological principle, the principle of systemic approach. Specific scientific methodology of economics, marketing, management.

Methods of research. Systems analysis, statistical analysis, comparative economic analysis, factor analysis, sampling method.

Scientific novelty of the results is to study the specific relationship of logistics concepts and innovative development of enterprises. Determine the effectiveness of the concepts of logistics in the formation of the innovative capacity of enterprises, the logistics is defined as a direct view of innovation as a process for the transformation of innovation.