RUS | UKR || ДонНТУ> Портал магистров ДонНТУ
Магістр ДонНТУ Стрелецкая Оксана Игоревна

Streletskay Oksana

Faculty: Economy

Speciality: Economy of manufacture of the coal - mining industry

Theme of master's work:

Justification of the need to use the technical component of the labor potential of the coal mining company

Scientific adviser: Polyakova Ellona

About author

Object of study: coal mining enterprise.

Objective: productive use of the main categories of workers of the coal company.

Subject of research: working on coal.

Methods: Techno-economic analysis, statistical methods, mathematical, graphic, with the help of Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel.

The dynamic development of economy of Ukraine is impossible without effective process for the formation, development and utilization of labor capacity - the main factor of production. In all developed countries the priority is to develop quality human and labor potential, which is characterized by high levels of general and vocational education, its relevance to the needs of the economy, the high culture of labor, a tendency to innovation, mobility and ability to adapt to new conditions of employment For Ukraine, the problem of the formation of labor capacity that would meet modern requirements, is extremely relevant for the national economy and for its individual branches and regions. Nesbalansovannist supply and demand in the labor market, availability of vacant jobs in the significant unemployment, poor quality of training, low levels of efficiency in the use of frames - is not an exhaustive list of issues related to labor potegntsialu Ukraine and its regions.

Over the last decade the problem of labor potential are in the field of view of many local scholars. Among them are such famous scholars as V. Onikienko, OV Pavlov, VA Savchenko VI Gerasimchuk, OV Grishnova. IL Petrova, MI Lower, SM Zlupko and others.

Analyzing the market poatsi, the process of Ukraine's economy the necessary expertise, they noted a number of acute problems that have arisen in this area, and justified proposals for their solution[1].

1. Current approaches to the definition of the category "employment potential".

In Ukraine, in a transitional economy is crucial to reform of the productive forces and achieve the level of labor productivity, which provides turn the country into a modern, highly developed nation. Before you define "working capacity" should it be separated from the general economic categories of "labor" and "staff". Manpower - is economically active, able-bodied population of the region, which has the physical, cultural and educational opportunities for participation in the economic activity of enterprise (organization).

Staff - a set of permanent employees who have received the necessary training and (or) have practical experience.

Labor potential - is presently existing and predictable employment opportunities, which are determined by size, age structure, professional, qualifications and other characteristics of the personnel.

Common to all these economic terms there are some features:

- mandatory participation or ability to participate in economic activities (included in the system of economic relations);

- predictability useful result of this participation; extremely important quality characteristics.

The economic literature attempting to define "working capacity", to identify the features that characterize it as an economic category, linked to other categories.

In the overall structure of the employment potential of the company, depending on the criterion of analysis are the following forms, manifestations [2]:

1. In terms of agregovanosti ratings:

1.1. Labor potential employee is an individual intellectual, psychological, physiological, educational qualifications and other features of personality that are used or could be used for work.

1.2. Group (Brig) working capacity than the working capacity of individual employees includes additional features of their collective activities based on the compatibility of psychophysiological and skill of professional features of the collective.

1.3. Labor potential of enterprise (organization) --- is the total of the capabilities of the enterprise, either actively or passively involved in the production process within a specific organizational structure based on the logistical, technological and other parameters.

2. On the spectrum of coverage options:

2.1. Individual labor potential takes into account the possibility of individual employee.

2.2. Collective (group) working capacity takes into account not only the individual capabilities of team members, but also the possibility of their cooperation to achieve social targets.

3. By the nature of participation in production and business processes:

3.1. The potential of technological personnel - is the total of the capabilities of enterprises involved in their core and related industrial and economic processes for the production of goods (works, services) specified quality and a certain amount, as well as workers who perform the technical functions of the administrative apparatus.

3.2. Management capacity - is the possibility of certain categories of plant personnel for the effective organization and management of industrial and commercial processes of enterprise (organization).

4. At the place in the socio-economic system of the enterprise:

4.1. Structure-forming potential of labor - is the possibility of the company's employees on a rational and highly efficient organization of production processes and build the most flexible, clear, simple structure of the organization.

4.2. Entrepreneur employment potential - is the existence and development of entrepreneurial skills of some workers as a prerequisite for achieving economic success through the creation of a proactive and innovative business model.

4.3. Productive employment potential - it is possible to generate employee enterprise economic and noneconomic outcomes based on the existing conditions of work within a specific organization.

Labor potential employee is variable, it changes continuously. Human efficiency and accrued (accumulated) in the course of employment an employee creativity (experience) increase as the development and improvement of knowledge and skills, health promotion, working conditions and livelihoods. But they can also decline if, in particular, the deteriorating state of health workers, increasing labor system, etc. When it comes to staff management, it must be remembered that the potential is characterized not by the degree of preparedness of the worker at the moment to engage in a post and its capabilities in the long term - taking into account age, experience, competencies, level of motivation.

Professional staff is determined by the structure changes in the nature and content of work under the influence of STP, resulting in the emergence of new professions and the withering away of the old, the increasing complexity and functionality of the content of labor operations. In other words, this structure acts as a kind of system requirements for the employment potential is realized through a set of jobs. Qualification structure is determined by qualitative changes in the labor potential (the growth of skills, knowledge, skills) and reflects changes in his personality component.

The efficiency of the staff and management of the enterprise is analyzed using three systems:

1) system, based on results of the enterprise, which includes indicators: profit before tax, taxable, the net profit, cost, profitability, sales revenue, production volume, product quality, payback period, ROI, etc.;

2) a system based on performance, quality and complexity of work, which includes indicators: productivity, productivity growth and wages, the share of wage bill in production costs, lost time, scrap rate, capital-labor, labor intensity of production, complexity factors Labor, the number of staff;

3) system based on the forms and methods of work with the staff, which includes indicators: turnover, staff skills, the level of labor discipline and professional qualification structure, the ratio of manufacturing and administrative staff, the social structure of personnel, the uniformity of its load, the cost 1 employee, the cost of administration, socio-psychological climate in the team, the attractiveness of labor.

Thus, having ascertained the nature of the category "employment potential", given the different approaches and vision, formulate their own interpretation of the employment potential. Workers building - this is today's existing and projected aggregate the capabilities of enterprises, which can be characterized by quantitative and qualitative indicators, which are aimed at achieving high efficiency production activities in the current period and the implementation of identified strategic objectives in the future.

2. Methodological aspects of assessing the employment potential of the enterprise[3].

Evaluation of labor potential of the enterprise should be based on economic assessments of the ability of people to create some income. The higher productivity of individual workers and a long period of its activity, the more it earns income and is more valuable to the enterprise. Evaluation of labor potential of the enterprise appropriate to model-based utility, with which to assess the economic implications of changing labor employee behavior as a result of certain actions by the company. The core of the labor potential are combined capacity of employees who are needed to select, implement and coordinate actions aimed at ensuring the company a competitive advantage in specific markets or specific segments.

Determining the value of labor potential of the enterprise,should take into account the period of its use. It is measured interval implement specific business project or maximflax possible time work[4].

Given the nature of the involvement of certain categories of personnel in business, in our view, an assessment of the labor potential of the company must distribute at least two main components - assessment of the employment potential of technological personnel and assessment of potential managers. These two groups of workers to recreate the real economic relations arising in the functioning of socio-economic systems.

The first group of workers directly involved in the process virobnitsgva, that is, it's employees, virobnitsgvo provide the necessary resources to participate in their processing, marketing of finished products, ensuring a continuous production process, etc. Dedicated team displays the results of the horizontal division of labor, it is precisely these workers to some extent give effect to the objective function of the system. Given the nature of their work, this general category of staff is the nature of the resource, ie the employment potential of this category of workers are used, as well as other economic resources[5].

Fig. 1.Model assessment labor potential technological personnel.

To assess the impact of labor potential of technological personnel in the total value of the company (its capacity) should be borne in mind that from the standpoint of the owner-investor, vocational and personal and sociocultural characteristics are of value only to the extent that they are helping to perform production tasks. Increased productivity means increased amount of output for a certain period of time or reduce the time that vitrachaetsya to produce a unit of production. But in this method myself labor productivity does not apply as the resulting figure, and characterizes the efficiency of personnel as a specific resource of the enterprise[6].


The studies assessing the employment potential of its formation and efficiency, yielded the following conclusions and develop recommendations for its improvement. The effective management experience confirms the critical role of human resources component of the potential of the enterprise, from the quantitative and qualitative balance between utilization and which largely depend not only on the high end of performance indicators achieved competitive advantages in production, organization and management, but also opportunities for sustainable and competitive development of the enterprise. Of all the elements of the socio-economic system of the enterprise only staff has the ability to actively and independently respond to the dynamic changes in the economic environment, combining time and space, all other components[7].

The paper was developed automated software for complex planning and economic problems "Evaluating the effectiveness of the employment potential in the medium MS EXCEL, improved methods of planning needs of the enterprise in the workforce, funds for salaries and wages[8].


1. Getman OO, Shapoval, VM Economic diagnosis: textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - K.: Center for textbooks, 2009. - 307s.

2. FEDONIN OS, Repin, IN, Oleksuk AT The potential of the enterprise: formation and evaluation: Textbook. allowance. - Type 2-e, unchanged. - K.: KNEU, 2008. -316p.

3. Grishnova OA Labor Economics and Labor Relations. - K.: Knowledge, 2004. - 535s.

4. Osovskaya GV, Krushelnytska OV Human Resource Management: Textbook. allowance. - K.: Condor, 2008. - 224p.

5. Krasnokutskaya NS The potential of the enterprise: the development and evaluation: Textbook. - K.: Center for Training ligeratury, 2007. - 352p.

6. Protopopov VA Business Enterprise. - Donetsk, 2004. - 107s.

7. Tarasyuk, GM, Planning for pidpriemstva. - K.: Condor, 2004,-266p.

8. Human capital: the formation of a system of education and training: Monograph / OA Grishnova. - K.: Knowledge, 2001. - 254 pp.

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