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Streletskay Oksana

Faculty: Economy

Department: Economy and marketing

Speciality: Economy of manufacture of the coal - mining industry

Theme of master's work:«Justification of the need to use the technical component of the labor potential of the coal mining company»

Scientific adviser:Polyakova Ellona


Hello, my name is Oksana!


My middle mark during the studying at the university is 4.46. Russian, Ukrainian, native, and I read and translated to English, but only with the dictionary. I have experience working with financial documents. My hobby is reading books, traveling and spending time with friends

Short biography:

My childhood.

I was born in December 13, 1986, in Donetsk. And here, I think, I must say thank you and a low bow to my parents, Vyslanko Svetlana Vasilievna and Vyslanko Igor, which protect and instruct me throughout my life. Perhaps, like all kids, in 2 years went to kindergarten. They distinguished a clever, independent, honest and accurate child. At an early age I came for money: respect for elders and love justice. I participated in all the celebrations, events, began to get involved in dancing.


In 1994 I went to first grade in secondary school ¹ 64, Donetsk. School life was for me no less interesting and exciting. The school years for me, proceeded with new knowledge and experiences. Took part in school activities, continued to walk in a circle of folk dances of the Palace of Culture of the Kuibyshev region, which gave me not only a lot of friends, as well as the ability to behave in a team. Here, too, would like to express special thanks and recognition to my head Kutsenko AU. Already at this age, I began to attract knowledge of algebra and the Ukrainian language. Because of its desire to move forward, I achieved good results in their studies. And here I was thinking about the future. I decided that it was necessary to choose a profession more important and relevant, which could provide a decent living. I am grateful to all teachers, especially Valentina Naumova, and Malkin, Edward B. - a wonderful, kind and responsive, the word "teacher" with a capital letter. School life gave me a final grade in grade 11 - is the most wonderful evening school, which is never forgotten and remains in memory. After high school, I immediately stopped at the Donetsk National Technical University (Donetsk National Technical University). Why this University? Because in DonNTU I drew his history, prestige and quality of knowledge that a student receives, as well as specialty economy companies that wonderfully combines the economy and the mining industry.


Examinations were placed successfully, and I entered the Donetsk National Technical University, on the daily separation, the specialty «Business Enterprise» Department of Economics and Marketing. I can not say that student life for me, proceeded smoothly, probably, like all the students there were "ups" and "fall." My life began to spin ... New city, new friends, I quickly gained new friends, with whom still support otnosheniya.V end of 4 courses was commissioned a comprehensive state examination in the specialty of fine, and a bachelor's degree. I am grateful to my mother, who taught me to never give up and go to the end. All teachers of the department, and especially my supervisor Poliakova Ellone Ilinichne - an intelligent, kind,
demanding and understanding man. After 4 courses must be chosen to go to a specialist or a master's degree, on the average score, I was in graduate school. Thus, at the moment I am a master. This is another step in my life. Studying in the magistracy for myself, I learned many new and interesting subjects due to his scientific work. With dignity belonged to write articles on the work of the Magistrates.

I think, if a person wants to be Successful, he/she should be knowledgeable, to be competent in all spheres of life. He/She should be creative, extraordinary, have his/her opinions. That is why the next step in my life is to defend a diploma of Master of Science.

Future plans

As for my future plans I want to become an economist in the coal field. I realize that it is not easy to become a good specialist. I must work hard, gain wide experience and skills in my speciality. I am not afraid of difficultics. I like to overcome obstacles and achieve good results. I am sure the success of each person depends on the willingness and ability to work.

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