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Trishch Tatiana

Trishch Tatiana

Faculty of economy

Department of economy and marketing

Speciality: Economy of enterprice (marketing)

Theme of master's work:

Forming of organizational structure of management of water allocation enterprise

Scientific adviser: professor, d.t.s. Evdokimov Fedor

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Middle mark in the period of learning – 4,3. Knowledge of languages: Ukrainian, Russian – freely; English – read and translate with a dictionary.
I have an experience in the followings programs: MS Office, Statistica.

Short biography:


I, Trishch Tat'yana, was born on January, 6, 1987 in the Donetsk. My mother, Trisch Irene, was born on January, 21, 1964. On the this time works as a controller in the Donetsk regional production management of Communal Enterprise «Company «Water of Donbass». My father, Trisch Victor, was born on May, 16, 1963. Now he is working as an electrician in LTD «UNIVERSAL-2». Initially, parents were engaged in my education. But, on insistency one of grandmothers, in 1994 I went out into kindergarten #157 a «Sun», where educated in a preparatory group. In kindergarten I differed by sociability and like to dances.


In the autumn of 1994 I was accepted in the rows of first-class of general school #46 on interview. In school years accepted active voice in life of school. In 1995 was written down in the group of folk dance, where got busy to 2004 years inclusive. In this period of the life I simply adored to ride on camps – in fact it is always new friends, new emotions and experiencing. In 2004 additionally engaged in mathematics on preparatory courses in a center preparation of university entrants, and also, at year's end from disbandment of collective of folk dances passed a «4th floor» to the show-ballet, where got busy to 2007 year.


Upon termination of school in 2004 entered on the first course of Donetsk National Technical University on «Faculty of Economy and Management». A choice of speciality is «Economy of enterprise (specialization: marketing)» in a greater degree depended on people which already studied in an university. Choosing this speciality, I indeed came to like marketing, due to the excellent teachers of this object – Alexander Yarym-Agaev and Alexander Kendyukhov. In student years took part in different family conferences, wrote the articles, under the direction of the scientific leader – professor, doctor of engineering sciences Evdokimov Feodor, for what was marked deeds. I am presently engaged in writing of master's degree work on the theme «Donetsk regional production management communal enterprise «Company «Water of Donbass». At the beginning of educational 2004 settled down Forming of organizational structure of management of water allocate enterprise» on the example on working as a promoter in Bureau Publicity-informative Technologies «Elf», where worked almost 2 years. From 2006 to 2007 I worked as supervisor in Advertising Agency «Pink». In 2008 got the diploma of bachelor of economy, and farther more entered masters course. From September, 2008 settled down on work in Donetsk Branch of LTD «RIA Alliance» is a publishing house of magazine «AFISHA» by a manager from an area advertising, where ² work presently, but already on position of chief of advertising department


Especially far-sighted plans for me are not present – prefer the operative planning, therefore in the near future plan successfully to finish a masters course and protect master's degree dissertation.
DonNTU > Master's portal | Abstract