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Student of Donetsk National Technical University Uvarova Katerina

Uvarova Katerina

Faculty of economy

Speciality: Economy of enterprise

Theme of master's work:

Optimization of capital investments processes in replacement of fixed assets

Scientific adviser: Meshkov Andriy

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


My averadge mark in the university was 4,84. I know Russian and Ukrainian languages good. I have an experience with Microsoft Office programm. I like music, books, films, communication. I aim to know new things.

Short biography:


I was born on January, 5, 1987 in Donetsk. My father’s name is Uvarov Alexander. My mother’s name is Uvarova Lyubov.
In 2 years I went to the kindergarten «Red poppy». In the kindergarten I went with pleasure.

School years

In August, 1994 I went to 1-A class. At school I have met new friends with whom I continue to communicate. Together we formed the asset of class. My favorite’s subjects were literature, history, biology. All other subjects made me boring.


I decided to bind my life with economy. This choice was heavy, but independent, and, as appeared, correct. I dreamed to study in DonNTU. For this purpose I was ready for everything – even for intensive additional mathematics lessons. Among economic specialities I choose the «economy of enterprise». I was responsible with my lessons, and my labour was rewarded with the entering in magistrates on budgetary place (This are first 15000 grn. were are earned my mind!!!). But the most important things for me, that's in the university I have met friends for life. Club «4 paws and tail» - forever!

Plans on the nearest future – to find high-paying work with the prospect of quarry growth, and to make sure, that knowledges, got in the walls of university are not simply theory.

DonNTU > Master's portal > Abstract