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Yanshyna Kateryna

Yanshyna Kateryna

Faculty: Economical Science

Speciality: Management of innovative activity

Theme of master's work:

Formation of system of marketing of innovations at the enterprise

Scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Science, senior lecturer of the chair "Economics of Enterprise" Kravchenko Sergey Ivanovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Middle mark in the period of studies in university was 4,78 . Freely I know Russian, Ukrainian, English language. I have an operational experience of the promoter, the manager of the press-service, the manager, the economist. I take a great interest in marketing, personal development, the business, everything new and interesting.

Short biography:


The basic time occupied visiting of the Donetsk kindergarten of ¹126 and walks on the fresh air. I was really interested in "Sport lotto" and advertising. It was pleasant for me to listen to fairy tales and to tell verses. I dreamt to become the inspector of Office of Public Prosecutor.


On September, 1st, 1994 I’ve come to 1-À form of the comprehensive school ¹26 in Khartsyzsk. Since my first school year I’ve been interested in studying English language. Later my favourite lessons were physics and chemistry. During my school-time I took part in the city’s competitions in math and I’ve taken the second place in the city’s competition in chemistry.

During the period from 2000 to 2002 I was the volunteer in Khartsyzsk public organization "Nika". At our meetings with foreign partners I worked as the interpreter, organized some holidays in children's home, also wrote the parts of programs on development of public initiatives.

In connection with moving of my family to Donetsk, the senior classes I have finished at school ¹65. Because of my interest in advertising and economy in February, 2004 I’ve entered Donetsk national technical University. My main course was marketing.


So, with a mean score 4,78 in June, 2008 I have received the bachelor's degree of DonNTU on a speciality «Economy of the enterprises (marketing)». Fortunately, during my studying the teaching structure was very strong, and I tried to get maximum of information from my teachers. As I had an operational experience in different spheres from the promoter to the economist, I was disappointed in keeping on studying marketing.

I generated the sufficient theoretical base and practical skills. That’s why my aspiration for new knowledge motivated me to get master’s degree in management of innovative activity. It was important and interesting to me to learn how to realize own ideas and to organize enterprise’s work. I’m happy with the choice I’ve made, because I’ve received everything I supposed to – the interesting practical tasks, necessary theoretical knowledge and valuable recommendations, and councils of teachers (in particular, my supervisor of studies Kravchenko Sergey Ivanovich).

The choice of the topic of my degree work has been caused by several factors. The first of them was my attachment to marketing which has not passed even on a new specialty at the University. The second factor is a desire to use marketing means at the enterprises of Ukraine more effectively by showing to heads and proprietors of business the importance of such actions and the possibilities given by correctly generated system of marketing. I’ve enlisted Sergey Ivanovich's support and started to write my degree work. I hope the results of my searching to become useful in the future.

Plans for future

I’m very ambitious person with some talents and clear mind and a huge dream to be succeed in mó own business. I’m stirring, frank, smart and risky enough. So no I’m working out the idea of a small business in sphere of marketing.

After the success in work, I will travel all over the world, open for myself new cities and countries. I wish to go for a drive on snowboards, to surf in Australia and to know as much new things as possible.

DonNTU > Master's portal | Abstract