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 Zagoriy Julia

Zagoriy Julia

Faculty of Economy

Speciality: Economy the enterprises (mining industry)

Theme of master's work: Development of social and economic potential of the enterprise

Scientific adviser: Polyakova Ellona



Theme urgency. . In the conditions of formation of mixed economy with a market orientation there grows the problem of maintenance of effective activity of the enterprises. Development of effective management without appropriate attention to working conditions does not provide predicted rates of economic growth. It is necessary to pay attention that the system of economic and organizational methods of regulation of the economic mechanism of working conditions improvement from the government is fulfilled insufficiently. Thus the basic weight of solving an arising problem of a labour safety is put directly on the enterprises. It causes the development of theoretical positions, workings out of practical recommendations concerning creation of the economic mechanism of maintenance of a production efficiency, and, first of all, formation of operating system of moral and material stimulation of work, in this situation..

Now the problem of safety of industrial production is pointed at the mining enterprises of Ukraine. It is caused by considerable growth of breakdown rate, a traumatism and occupational diseases. Level of a traumatism and occupational diseases on mines of Ukraine is 10-15 times higher than on mines of the developed countries of the world. On mines of Ukraine the breakdown rate causes the loss of property to 50.0 million hryvnas. Annually, from the general

It is established that about 59 % of an industrial traumatism occurs for the organizational reasons and 36 % - for the personal reasons. More often dangerous situations on mines happen as a result of labour safety non-observance (55 %), the carefree attitude to performance of works (20 %), infringement of technological process of a coal mining (15 %) and other infringements (10 %). At the same time the solving of some economic problems at the mining enterprises is still carried out without appropriate attention to the personal factor. The principal cause of such position consists in underestimation of resources losses in dangerous and adverse working conditions, in absence of the mechanism of stimulation of a labour safety. These undeveloped questions, imperfection of control system, objective necessity of the subsequent solving of social and economic problems of a labour safety cause interest of many scientists to the given problem.

In the coal branch there is developed a number of theoretical questions and practical recommendations about social and economic problems of a labour safety. The analysis of available workings out, methodical positions and practical recommendations, from social and economic problems of a labour safety has shown that they are basically devoted to a scientific question of an economic estimation of actions for a labour safety, breakdown rate, a traumatism and an occupational disease, an estimation of efficiency of actions, improvement of labour safety management. At once the attention is paid to a lesser degree to researches of questions of stimulation of a labour safety. Separate aspects of material stimulation of safe working conditions are considered in papers of the Ukrainian scientists.

However in a mining industry basically administrative management methods continue to function still, the economic mechanism of management is poorly used by a labour safety. Researches have shown that one of the principal causes constraining the solving of a labour safety problem is absence of the mechanism of labour safety stimulation. It has caused a subject choice, expediency and an urgency of the master project.

The research purpose and problems. The purpose of the master project consists in working out of the labour safety increase stimulating mechanism at the mining enterprises in the conditions of formation of mixed economy with a market orientation. For purpose achievement there are put and solved such scientific and practical problems:

based influence of the personal factor on safety of work level;

based and developed economic mechanism of motivation of safe working conditions creation;

offered criteria and technical and economic indicators of labour safety stimulation;

developed methodical recommendations about definition of influence of working conditions on the basic economic indicators of work of the mining enterprises;

formulated main principles and defined elements of formation of the mechanism of labour safety stimulation;

developed the mechanism of preferential bank service of expenses on a labour safety;

Defined directions of perfection of the mechanism of workers participation in management of a labour safety at the mining enterprises.

Object of research: status of security and working conditions and stimulation of increase of their quality at the mining enterprises on the basis of adaptation to conditions of mixed economy with a market orientation.

Subject of research: the coal-mining enterprises and their divisions

Research methods. In project there are used works of leading scientists and experts in problems of increase of economic efficiency of management by safety of the coal industry, socially-psychological factors of safety of work, the registration and accounting data from an industrial traumatism and breakdown rate on collieries, preventive maintenance of an industrial traumatism and a labour safety.

The stage-by-stage system approach is applied for the solving of tasks in project, that is: the object of the analysis has been submitted as certain system; carried out careful selection of indicators; the general structurally logic scheme of system which is studied has been developed; constructed in a general view economic mathematical expressions of system. It has provided consecutive both objective character of research and scientific methods of selection, processing and generalisation of the statistical data, for an establishment of correlation dependences between economic indicators of the industry, and also results of sociological research.

Scientific novelty Of the received results consists in deepening and development of scientifically methodical stimulants of increase of safety of work at the mining enterprises in the conditions of transition to mixed economy. The most essential results which display elements of scientific novelty of the dissertation are:

Prominent features of influence of the personal factor on level of safety of work which consist that creation of safe working conditions can be reached by development of social and economic interest of workers in a labour safety are found out;

The complex system of possible elements of motivation of protection works (material, social and moral motives) which provide internal satisfaction of requirements of workers and promote a conscientious attitude to performance of the basic duties and to a labour safety is developed;

The basic criteria and indicators of stimulation of protection works are proved: factors of level of a traumatism depending on weight of accidents (factor of the general level of accidents; factor of level of accidents with an easy consequence; factor of level of heavy accidents), integrated factor of working conditions which display specificity of definition of a condition of a labour safety at the mining enterprises and allow to state the fullest estimation to work of the enterprises for creation of safe working conditions;

Methodical recommendations about definition of influence of working conditions on technical and economic indicators of work of the mining enterprises in which classification of all adverse and dangerous factors from four groups is given that gives possibility to perform an estimation of level of a labour safety and to make operative administrative decisions taking into account economic methods are developed;

Principles and process of functioning of complex stimulation of a labour safety which includes the mechanism of stimulating methods, means of the mechanism of stimulation are proved;

Methodical recommendations concerning perfection of system of material encouragement of safe working conditions creation which contain methods of definition both own, and external sources of creation of fund of stimulation of a labour safety, and also methods of calculation of the sum of material encouragement of each structural division and the concrete worker, according to their contribution in labour protection which provide a material interest in a labour safety are proved;

The new methodical approach to working out of the mechanism of preferential bank service and the mechanism of preferential crediting is offered. Recommendations concerning placing of temporarily available assets in deposits of bank which provide considerable economic interest as for the enterprise, and also for the bank and bring a profitable material resource to both parties are offered. Realisation of such approach provides to the mining enterprises the reception of a new source of financing of stimulation of a labour safety;

Recommendations concerning perfection of the mechanism of participation of workers collective in management of a labour safety at level of the lowest control link and at level of the higher industrial structure of management are proved.

Practical value of results of project consists that scientifically methodical recommendations concerning improvement of stimulation of increase of labour safety at the mining enterprises, stated in the master project, is reached to level of specific proposals which can be used at the enterprises of Donetsk region and other regions of Ukraine. Use of these recommendations in practice will promote labour safety improvement at the enterprises of coal output in the conditions of mixed economy with a market orientation which will provide increase of their efficiency of industrial-economic activities.

Список литературы

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