Student of Donetsk National Technical University Sydorov IvanENG | Ìàãèñòð ÄîíÍÒÓ Ñèäîðîâ Èâàí Àëåêñàíäðîâè÷RUS | Ìàã³ñòð ÄîíÍÒÓ Ñèäîðîâ ²âàí Îëåêñàíäðîâè÷UKR | Magistère de l'Université Nationale Technique de Donetsk Sydorov IvanFR || DonNTU | Master's portal

Student of Donetsk National Technical University Sydorov Ivan

Sydorov Ivan

French Technical Faculty (Faculty: Energomechanical and Automatization)

Speciality: "Hydraulic and Pneumatic Machines"

Theme of master's work: «Development of equipment for the dosage of viscid environments is in cosmetic industry»

Scientific adviser: Overko V.M.


      My name is Ivan Aleksandrovich Sidorov. I was born in 13 June 1987 in the city of Donetsk. My dad Aleksander Petrovich is a chief engineer, my mother Natlia Alekseevna goes in for flower growing. I have an older sister Anastasia. She has Ph.D. degree in Biology and she is currently a research worker in Kiew. I was growing as sociable kid. I liked outdoor games, made wooden handicrafts. I often amazed my parents with my deeds. I have learned to read before I went to school. In the second grade I have signed in to the chess class by my school and then continued in the district chess and checkers club until the graduation. I also liked active sports as tennis, basketball, volleyball, sprint run, but my best results I achieved in high jump. I got on well in school. Creative tasks were always my favorite. My parents are my ideal forever. My dad could answer any question any time, built up our big house. My mom is the most kind and tender woman ever. The question what to study was easy for me. I always liked machinery and wanted to know how it works. In the end of the 11th grade I tried to take a rating exam and got very good marks. I the institute I have chosen a new and perspective speciality. All the courses were hold in French, and since we all studied English at school it was everything, but not easy. Fortunately, our professors gave us kind regard. From the 4th year I have decided to get a second high education and entered, in parallel, in to MUF of Kiev with the speciality “Finances”. Currently I work on my magister work “Development of hardware for dosage of viscous media in cosmetics industry” under the supervision of Ph.D. of techniques V.M. Overko. After defense of magister thesis I plan to see the world, find worthy and interesting job, found close-knit family and grow up children.

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