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Getman Dmitriy

Getman Dmitriy

Faculty: Geotechnologies and production managements

Speciality: Working out of mineral deposits

Theme of master's work:

Rationale for destroked windy rock swelling in the soil preparatory workings

Scientific adviser: Kasyan Nikolai

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract |


I am Dmitriy Alexandrovich Getman. I was born on September 9, 1986 in the town of Kirovskoye. I haven't previous conviction. I am not married and I'm "Virgo" accoding to the table of stars. I am a keen person. My hobbies are sports and cars. I have a complete command of Russian and Ukrainian. My knowledge in Endlish is enough to read fluently.

Short biography:

School period

I entered the first grade of school #3 in 1993, and finished the school in 2004. School years are the best ones. I wasn't an excellent student at school but studied well, I studied at a musial schooln when I was a schoolboy as well. I studied to play accordion. I'd like to express my thanks to all the teachers of graduation - class and to tell them many thanks for the given knoledge which I used not only in my future studying but in my life too.

University period

I passed my exam in Maths and entered of Donetsk National Technical University at day-time department. In 2008 I got a baccalaureate degree in specialised field "Mining of economic minerals" and entered to get Master degree. Nikolai Nikolayevich Kasyan is a supervisor of my master work. The subject of my work is "Mining workings protection". My plans for the future are to use received education in practice, to get my own family and to build my own house.

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