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Kapustin Andrey

Kapustin Andrey

Faculty: Geotechnologies and production management

Speciality: Safety to labor activity

Theme of master's work:

Influence of the increase the depth of the development on manifestation of the dangers surge

Scientific adviser: Nikolin Viktor

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Middle mark in the period of studies in university 4,5. Liberally communicate in russian and ukrainian languages.The ñomputer skills - MS Word, MS Excel, Visio, Power Point, HTML. Rage the car and music.

Short biography

I, Kapustin Andrey, was born in 1987 on December, 11th in the city of Donetsk.

My parents

The father - Kapustin Anatoliy. Has finished Donetsk polytechnical institute on a speciality «Working out of useful deposits». Worked as the chief of a site of underground drilling on Donetsk prospecting expedition.

Mother - Kapustina Valentina. She finished Novocherkassk prospecting technical school. Worked on Donetsk prospecting expedition, now on pension.

The school

In 1994 has gone to the first class of school #122 Budyonnovskiy areas of a city of Donetsk. As the director was the teacher of biology, at school there was a hothouse in which exotic plants and its collection of cactuses grew. On the ground floor there were big aquariums with very beautiful small fishes and seaweed.

First my teacher was - Meshcherjakova Natalia. It has given to me a lot of good because was attentive and magnanimous.

In 2000 I have passed in school #136, the class teacher was the teacher of physics Doronina Valentina. Has successfully left school in 2004.

Same year I handed over entrance examinations in Donetsk national university of economy and trade and Donetsk national technical university.


I have chosen Donetsk national technical university and at present I study at faculty «Geotechnologies and production management», on a speciality «Safety of labour activity».

I like my speciality. I 3 times was in practice, on mine «Shcheglovskiy - Deep», and now not only theoretically, but also practically, have visually familiarised with works in mine and I have an operational experience.

Supervises over my degree work - Nikolin Victor. A theme of my degree work - «Influence of increase in depth of working out on display of danger of emissions».

The plans for the future

Plan to successfully protect the master's work. Find a well-paid job to become a highly qualified expert in the field of protection of work. I want to help the mining industry in our country to improve working conditions and safety.

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