Susoeva Nadezhda


Faculty: Geotechnology and production management
Speciality: Ecology in mining
Theme of my master's work: Management and utilization of mine methane in the conditions of mine "Scheglovskaya-Glubokaya"
The head: professor, candidate of technical sciences Artamonov Vladimir

  Materials on the theme of master's work:                        


Date of birth: 07.05.1987.

The average mark for the period of study: 5,0.

Language skills: Russian and Ukrainian - native languages, English – well enough for reading and dealing with business correspondence.

I get the second higher education on the faculty of retraining of shots on speciality «Account and audit».

Personal qualities: responsibility, confident, purposeful, resforcefs has sense of humor.

I am a citizen of Ukraine.


1994-2004 - Gymnasium ¹150, Donetsk.

When I was in the 11th form I went to preparatory courses and in 2004 I entered DonNTU.

I studied on fine all ten years. Got the gilded youth after ending of high school.

2004-2008 - Donetsk National Technical University Geotechnology and production management.

2008-2009 - Donetsk National Technical University University of post-graduate education (speciality “Accountancy and Audit”)

2007-2008 - Donetsk National Technical University Bachelor degree in ecology.


Reading novels, science, fiction, fantasy, tourism.


IMB PC user. The mastered programs: MS Word, MS Excel. I study the English and Ukrainian languages.

School and university complimented to me with the friends a lot of.


So to say, I haven’t made any far going plans? But in the nearest future I’d like to finish my master’s work and to uphold it. I’m also getting the second higher education ( speciality “Accountancy and Audit”). I’d like to get a job that would give me possibilities to be realised as a specialist, to use my knowledge and skills in both first and second education.


©DonNTU 2009 Susoeva N.