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Chikunov Aleksey

Chikunov Aleksey

Fizikal and metallurgical department

Speciality: Processing of Metals by Pressure

Graduation work topic:

Plasticity resource exhaustion research during drawing of metal

Scientific adviser: Beygelzimer Yan

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Library |


Mean grade of education period in university was 4.97. Russian and Ukrainian fluently. English enough for reading, correspondence and communication. Big experience of working with Internet and Office applications. Go in for sport. I like traveling.

Short biography:


I was born Jenuary,19 1987 in Donetsk.

Special talent in childhood - drawing (graphics).


My favorite subjects in school was math and physics.I spent 3-5 hours studying math everyday. Assemble myself radio set on physics circle.

Hobbies: playing guitar and drawing. School achievements: second grade in chess, third place of region in Small accademy of science with thesis "Finding of actual root of cubic equation". I have proved three theorems finding three roots of cubic equation in actual state.


I have selected future speciality and University in graduate form.

The biggest benefit of learning subjects: physics, Processing of Metals by Pressure, Nanotechnology.

It is necessary to make special mention of teachers Terehov, Skorynin and Povalayev.

I'd like to mention professors Smirnov Evgeny Nikovayevich and my supervisor of studies Beygelzimer Yan Efimovich. Thay have made a lot to make realy good engineer from me.

Plans for the future: To Found deserved job, obtain success and earn a lot of money.

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract | Library |