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Khokhlov Alexander

Khokhlov Alexandr

Fizikal metallurgical Faculty
Speciality: Treatment of metals pressure

Theme of master's work:

The research process is a multilane
cages in order to assess the feasibility of
its application to the camp 2300 "DMP"

Scientific adviser: proffessor Konovalov Yuriy

Materials about graduation work: About autor | library | links | | Personal data

Summary of research and developments

The peculiarity of the process of rolling in a multilane rental stands - side vnekontaktnye zone. The influence of rolling parameters were studied at one time IM Pavlov, AI Tarnovsky, GS Nikitin, and other authors. It was established as a side-impact zone in the widening external, extract, energosilovye parameters. However, on the effects of lateral vnekontaktnyh zones are important in the production of flatting options as a form in terms of published works raznoshirinnost Nil.

Introduction (Motivation)

Relevance of the work - in the development of methods of calculation and technology rolled into cages new design - a multilane rental stands.

Многорядная прокатная клеть

Picture. - Multilane rental stands

The scientific importance of the work.

Experimentally studied the process of forming when rolling reverberation in a multilane rental stands on various schemes. Experimentally studied the influence of process parameters of sheet rolled from side to cross the external areas within the metal in all parts of reverberation. The critical parameters of the process of rolling in a multilane cages.


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  2. Ткалич К.Н., Коновалов Ю.В. Точная прокатка тонких полос. М.Металлургия, 1972
  3. Целиков Ф.И., Зюзин В.И. Современное развитие прокатных станов. М.Металлургия, 1972
  4. Коновалов Ю.В., Арсенов В.В., Маншилин Г.И., Бобух И.А. Многорядные прокатные клети для производства листов и полос. Сталь.-1995 №8 с.44-46.
  5. А.с., 777956 СССР, МКИЗ В21В 1/38 Способ прокатки широких листов / С.Т.Анедченко, А.М.Онищенко, В.С.Горелик, В.М. Богатырев, А.П.Митьев. - 4 с ил.