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Master of DonNTU Nosovskaya Olga

Nosovskaya Olga

Faculty: Physics and metallurgical
Speciality: The manager of energy

Theme of master's work:

Analysis and design appropriate methods of accumulation the thermal energy in order to heating buildings

Scientific adviser: docent Gridin Sergey

Matireals on the theme of master's work: About author | Abstract | Library

Links on the theme of master's work

Master's Materials of DonNTU

  1. Master's website of Physics and metallurgical Faculty of 2007 year
  2. Master's website of Physics and metallurgical Faculty of 2007 year

    Dedicated servers, Web sites, portals

  3. Site of the company Irbis

    This site is devoted to systems elektric heating from accumulation of heat with using elektric heatings of Russian and German manufacture. Submitted technical characteristics of elektric heatings, economic conditions for their use, especially of systems elektric heating with the accumulation of heat, installing and servicing these systems. Also, there are a number of other products offered by the LLC "FSC" Irbis ".

  4. Energy saving with own hands

    It contains various articles related to energy conservation, heating of buildings.

  5. Information System for Construction

    Information about building materials and technologies In the Information section on the construction presented general information on modern building materials and technologies. We consider their technical characteristics, application, selection criteria etc. These sections are created on the basis of the printed edition of the modern building. " In the section "Publications" collected articles on construction topics. In technical Infotech selected technical information on building products supplies from leading manufacturers and distributors: technical solutions and recommendations for the design, layout and drawings of knots, installation instructions, technical specifications, etc.

  6. The Independent Science and Technology Portal

    Create for open, free publications on the Internet and the further promotion of science and technology, innovative ideas and projects (inventions, technologies, scientific discoveries)

  7. - portal of energy conservation and efficiency

    It contants information of energy conservation for residents, workers and energy utilities, industrial consumers, represented by energy-saving technologies and experience of their application, and also documents on energy saving.

  8. Journal S.O.K (Sanequipment. Heating. Sewage)

    Contains a library of the journal, which collected a lot of technical literature of heating

  9. Site of the company Warm Systems

    It contains information about heating systems, boilers, heating equipment leading manufacturers.

  10. Construction. Repair

    It contains articles and reviews of the construction

  11. Journal World of Climate

    The magazine contains articles about the climate control equipment

  12. Company Teplolux

    A warm floor device, its advantages over other types of heating, the device provides a cable for a warm floor, given the principle of the calculation for laying a warm floor

  13. Company IVIĘ

    Provade various types of climatic equipment. Provide climate control equipment for various categories of accommodation - from small household air-conditioners (split system) to the central air conditioning systems, and ventilation equipment, heating radiators, heating equipment, floor heating system, electric heaters (convectors), precision air conditioners and industrial air conditioners, dehumidifiers air pool.

    DonNTU > Master's portal of DonNTU || About author | Abstract | Library |