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Master of DonNTU Ovdienko Alexandr Alexandrovich

Ovdienko Alexandr Alexandrovich

Fiziko-metallurgical faculty

Chair of technical thermophysics

The Speciality: Industrial the heating engineer

The Theme of final work:

Research processes exchange of heat and weightout of furnac decontaminations steel in an electrostatic field

The Supervisor of studies: Zaharov Nikolai Ivanovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Biography | Abstract | Library |

About itself:

Average ball in training at university - 4.86. Freely I know Russian also the Ukrainian language. In volume, sufficient for correspondence, I know English. I have an operational experience and Excel, Delphy. I take a great interest in sport and fishing.

The Short biography:

The Childhood

I Was born on December, 16th, 1986 in the city of krasnogorovka in which I live till now. The father: Ovdienko Alexandr Nikolaevich was born in July, 26th 1952г. Works as the zavgar in OOO"Ляпко". Mother: Ovdienko Valentina was born on March, 29th 1956г. Works the seller.


Studied in a comprehensive school of №1 Кrasnogorovka.. At school favourite subjects were mathematics, physics, the literature.


On an extent of all eleventh class I solved where to receive a further education. It would be desirable, that it there was useful and very demanded speciality in the present and the future and was to me to liking. As at school from all subjects at me allocated propensity to physics, chemistry and mathematics my choice has stopped at fiziko-metallurgical faculty of Donetsk national technical university. I have finished school with a gold medal, therefore by results of Interviews have been from the first successfully enlisted on first course DonNTU.

Following teachers and disciplines were the Most useful to me:

the Magistracy

On the fourth year when it was necessary to define a direction of scientific researches, I have chosen supervisor of studies Ginkula Stanislav Ivanovicha. With it we were defined concerning the subsequent theme of research: "Research processes exchange of heat and weightout of furnac decontaminations steel in an electrostatic field". This theme and insufficiently studied in Ukraine (to what results of search in a network the Internet testify), therefore to work is over what. Use of programming languages should give the chance to facilitate modelling of the difficult natural and physical processes which variability is difficult for describing only mathematical formulas.

The Previous operational experience with Internet technologies was only at level of the usual user.

I consider, that the speciality chosen by me is perspective and will be claimed in the future, especially in our region. We live during an epoch of computer facilities and computers without which it is already difficult to present effective work in any branch. Therefore studying of programming languages and Internet technologies will allow to develop power system further.

The professional future I see as the future of the expert in studied area. I wish to receive the second higher education because are at present appreciated not only knowledge of power, but also ability professionally to introduce them in certain area of manufacture.