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Pilushenko Pavel

Pilushenko Pavel

Faculty: Physical-metallurgical

Speciality: Treatment of metals by pressure

Theme of master's work:

Rolling of round purveyances of large section in a rolling mill 900

Scientific adviser: candidate of engineerings sciences associate professor Smirnov Evgeniy

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Library


My middle mark during the studying is about 4,72. I can use English freely. In a volume, sufficient for intercourse and correspondence I can use German language. My skill of using computer is on the level of advanced user. Also I can work with Micrisoft Office, Kompas-3D and other.

Short biography:

I am Pilyushenko Pavel was born on June, 30, 1987 in Donetsk. In 1994, when I was seven I entered a first form of school ¹ 115 with the deep study of foreign languages. I didn't have large aspiring to the studies. But I liked those objects which were rather interesting to me. Especially it was foreign languages and humanitarian sciences.

In 2004 I graduated school and purposefully entered a Donetsk National Technical University on speciality called "treatment of metals by pressure". I suppose that in the field of industry, or closely associated with it (exactly in metallurgies) a job for a skilled specialist is most perspective for his future career. Similarly I'm also convinced that technical education is instrumental in development not only technical but also economic, humanitarian and other capabilities. Now I additionally getting the second higher education on the extra-mural form of studying. Speciality - marketing. Also I'm constantly developing my knowledges of foreign languages.

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract | Library