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Sosedko Nadezhda Vjacheslavovna

Sosedko Nadezhda Vjacheslavovna

Fiziko-metallurgical faculty
Speciality: Power management

Theme of master's work:

Research and analysis of the use of fuel and energy resources OP Mine of "Dobropol'skaya"

Scientific leader: Ilyuschenko Vladimir Ivan

About author

Abstract on the topic of final work


In the process of economic activity the resources of enterprise occupy one of central places, therefore the question of resursosberezheniya and determination of optimum correlation of resources on an enterprise is very actual presently. It is set economic progress trends, perspective level of scientific and technical progress, state of production capacities of enterprise. Actuality of this theme besides other consists in that in the process of economic activity practically all enterprises run into the problem of shortage of resources for providing of normal work.

There is mass of reasons compelling an enterprise engaged in the study of resources. Reasons, obuslavlivayuschuyu this necessity, can be different, however on the whole they can be subdivided into the followings kinds: improvement of technical indexes, increase of level of production, increase of volumes of production activity. The degree of the conducted changes in area of resources is different.

Purpose and research tasks. The purpose of this work is an exposure of basic tendencies and setting of norms of expense of power resources on an ugledobyvayuschey mine.

The followings tasks decided during writing of master's degree work:

By a research object it is OP Mine of «Dobropol'skaya», included in composition and being on a state balance of «Dobropol'eugol'» sheet, is associations of row of profitable mines of region.

Article of research - consumption fuel and energy resources of enterprise as perspective direction of energy-savings.

Research methods.The theoretical (method of construction of counts), mathematical( least-squares method), and also statistical methods of research are in-process used. Processing of actual data about the consumption of fuel and energy resources and volumes of producible products (form 1 and form 2 accountings) was executed by a computer technique and application programs.

Scientific meaningfulness of work.Development of effective methods of analysis of energy consumption on the enterprises of coal industry, adaptation of methods of rationalization of streams of energoresursov on the object of research to the problems of industry.

Practical value of job performances.The method of analysis of energy consumption on the basis of methods of logistic is offered with the use of method of counts, the examples of experience of foreign countries are considered at the analysis of energoresursov, found out perspective directions in resursosberezhenii, measures are developed on optimization of power expenses on the enterprises of ugledobyvayuschey industry.

Using of experience of foreign countries for the analysis of financial resources

With development of economic crisis, with passing to the new methods of «management the streams of facilities» the role of supplies of energoresursov (for example, hard fuel) changed fully. The energymanager of enterprise can not ignore this radical evolution which stipulates reading of estimates of expenses of enterprise.

Traditional conception about the role of supplies.Within the framework of management by system of Teylora the presence of supplies on an enterprise is examined as a necessary condition on two principal reasons.

At first, at functional approach purchases take place in the strictly specialized establishments. Last, in same queue, aspire to the decline of expenses on the ton of the obtained coal. This policy of the bulk buyings (booty) requires the supplies of energoresursov (in the cases when it is possible) which allow the proper services to carry out the policy of «optimum» purchases expectant, when services-users will demand these purchases.

Secondly, supplies are considered necessary, as they are the elements of safety for an enterprise:

If an enterprise succeeded considerably to shorten time of the cycle and get excellent prognosis estimations in quality, supplies must make insignificant part of investments of enterprise only. Such sharp reduction of stocks, obviously, has the considerable affecting function of warehousing. Its value not only falls sharply, but it must strongly reform. Actually the epoch of centralization of functions of warehousing of raw material passed at eventual products. To realize a policy «exactly in time», it is necessary to balance supplies with a production. A warehousing function decentralizuetsya, «engaged» directly in the chain of operations. It is another example of disintegration (despecializacii) of functions, inherited from the system of Teylora.

Value of analysis of supplies. In the context of traditional analysis of technological process the analysis of supplies consists of determination that, as far as supplies correspond minimum norms within the framework of management supplying with energoresursov and mining.

Some researchers plug in expenses on warehousing of loss of clientele or losses on marriage, which take place as a result of maintainance of the system of booty of Teylora, while market conditions changed.

Estimation of supplies of fuel resources. A question does not cause difficulties, if supplies are insignificantly varied for examined period. Then it is possible to take openings and eventual stocks for a calculation. If changes are in the current period of znachitel'ny, it is necessary necessarily to use a middle supply.

In the case of seasonal enterprises changes can have urgent character and require the special study.

Count of consumption. The proper information can be got directly from accounts or by an indirect calculation:

Consumption of energoresursov for period = Opening stock of fuel and energy resources + Capital investments are the Eventual supplies of energoresursov.

Such are base principles, but an external analyst from insufficient information not always will be able to apply them. It is therefore necessary to have spare variants, that less satisfactorily from point of theory, but, nevertheless, usefully.

Optimization of consumption of fuel and energy resources is a very important and responsible area of work. The size of unit cost depends On it, and consequently and size arrived, got from realization of the coal obtained on a mine. Effective control of inventories of energoresursov allows to accelerate turnover of capital and promote his profitableness, decrease current expenses on their storage, to free part of capital from a current economic turn, reinvesting him in other assets.

Optimization of energy consumption consists in:

For optimization of current supplies the row of models among which most distribution was got by «Model of the economic grounded order is used in foreign countries» (EOQ - model).

Basic results

On motion writing of master's degree work were conducted:

  1. Analysis of work of enterprise: types of the obtained raw material, his amount and quality, for what aims obtained, how and where realized.
  2. Break-down of expenses on mining, which affect unit cost, and influence on the indexes of profitability and profitability of production – consumption of electric power, fuel, water, compressed gas.
  3. Study of potential of energy-savings of enterprise:
  4. Development of measures on an energy-savings:
  5. Economic calculation of profitability of project.
  6. Illumination of questions of labour and technical safety of personnel protection.
  7. Ecological aspects of activity of enterprise.

Mining on a mine is accompanied power expenses as a consumption of electric power, water, compressed air and different types of fuel. It is set at the analysis of current document, that a most percent is on the expense of electric power.

Active energy is consumed on: technological needs, necessities of dining-room, on capital building, on the needs of subsubscribers. Most expenses are on technology and are almost 90% general energy consumption. Consequently a most economy will be given by measures exactly in this area.For example, such, as: improvement of technology of mining, timely and professional service and repair of equipment, selection of more skilled personnel, high-quality and quickly, with the least expenses of forces and time, removing defects, control of honesty of implementation of incumbent works a personnel, removal of losses in gazo- and plumbings of conditioned mechanical damages, introduction of the economy mode of illumination of shopfloors and mountain making.

The consumption of electric energy, being on balance enterprises, is approximately identical subsubscribers (hospitals, gardens, gymnasium and pool, shakhtoupravlenie), and kapstroitel'stvom. In last case expenses have periodic character and related to the mountain making, building of new mine barrel and his ventilation. Here methods of energy-savings can be only organizational and their application is not rational in investigation of small stake of these reasons of expenses in a general picture.

The dynamics of consumption of electric power (for the last 7 years) on a 1 ton of the obtained coal is resulted on a picture.

Dynamics of consumption of electric power (specific indexes)

Picture. Dynamics of consumption of electric power (specific indexes)

Analysing a chart see that peak of energy consumption of any year to be on winter months. It contingently growth of mining volumes, caused, in same queue, by the seasonal increase of demand on the products of enterprise. It is possible «exemplary» to consider 2007 a year is the least deviations from usrednennykh indexes. Most curves are had small amplitude of divergence in relation to on months averages. But in 2007, 2008 there are sharp gallops of energy consumption. It is explained considerable expenses on building of the additional system of ventilation, and also with considerable sharp diminishing of volumes of booty, caused economic instability in a country.

It is set as a result of the executed researches, that on OA «Mine of «Dobropol'skaya» is present considerable potential in area of energy-savings the use of which rationally in the direction of economy of consumption of electric power by an analysis directly of mining technology.


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