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Ivanenko Ivan

Trush Ekaterina

Faculty: Phisical-metallurgical


Theme of master's work: Studying of the structure and properties of azotized surfaces of moulds for increasing their working capacity

Group: MT-08m

Scientific adviser: Onoprienko Vladimir

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract| Library

Short biography:

I, Trush Ekaterina Sergeevna, borned on April, 5, 1987.
With 1994 - 2004 a.a. got complete secondary education in SOSH ¹69 Donetsk.
In 2004ã. acted in DONNTU on FMF on speciality the "Matallovedenie". In 2008ã. got the diploma of bachelor, decided to continue teaching on a master's degree.
With the future place of work it was not defined yet, but after the ending of university it would be desirable to find work in which it would be possible to apply successfully the knowledge and the skills got for years of training.
DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract| Library