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Artem Yankovets

Artem Yankovets

Faculty: physico-metallurgical
Speciality: Thermal power plants

Theme of master's work:

Methods of solution of direct tasks of heat conduction. Methods of research solutions of direct tasks of heat conduction and evaluation of their accuracy.

Scientific adviser: Oleksandr Markin

Materials on the theme of master's work: About author | Abstract

Library on the topic of the thesis

Own publications and reports

  1. The solution of the inverse task of unsteady heat conduction process in the heating (cooling) an infinitely long cylinder (rus)

    Authors: A.G. Yankovets, O.D. Markin
    Description: A method for solving the inverse task of nonstationary heat conduction
    Source: Collection of scientific works of students of physics and metallurgy faculty DonNTU - Donetsk, Donetsk National Technical University - 2009.

  2. Methods for the suppression of Education of nitrogen oxides in boiler furnaces (rus)

    Authors: A.G. Yankovets, V.I. Ilushenko
    Description: Consider technological methods for the suppression of Education of nitrogen oxides in boiler furnaces, such as the recycling of flue gases in the furnace, stepped combustion of fuel, the use of special burner, nonstoichiometric combustion, deactivation of the burner, as well as methods for denitrification of flue gas boiler.
    Source: All-Ukrainian scientific and technical journal "Ecology" / Gol. Ed. Minayev OA-Donetsk: Donetsk National Technical University, № 1-2.-2008.-178 pp.

  3. Development of energy saving lighting scheme stairs of residential buildings (ukr)

    Authors: A.G. Yankovets, V.I. Ilushenko
    Description: Article rasschmotrena topic - increase the use of funds for the cost of lighting ladder cells of residential and public buildings through the introduction of event management systems, lighting, which provides the rationalization of energy.
    Source:Energy priority of public policy / Kovalko MP, Denisyuk SP; Answer. edit. Shidlovsky AK - Kyiv: UEZ, 1998.-506 pp.

  4. Evaluation of environmental-economic performance of OAO "Donbasenergo" Starobeshevo TPP (rus)

    Authors: A.L. Khohklova, A.G. Yankovets, M.M. Kostenko
    Description: Made structural and qualitative analysis of pollutant emissions Starobeshevo TPP, assessed the impact of businesses on the environment, identified potential sources of reducing the amount of payment for emissions considered measures to reduce emissions.
    Source: III International Conference "geotechnology and production management of XXI Century". DonNTU 15-16 April 2009

Thematic Article

  1. On Multidimensional Inverse Heat Conduction Tasks (eng)

    Authors: H.J. Reinhardt, J. Frohne
    Description: International Conference \Inverse and Ill-Posed Tasks of Mathematical Physics", dedicated to Professor M.M. Lavrent'ev on occasion of his 75-th birthday, August 20-25, 2007, Novosibirsk, Russia
    Source: O.M. Alifanov, Inverse Heat Transfer Tasks, Springer, 1994.

  2. Kravtsov V.V., Sharai S., O.G. Volkov, A.V. Yakubtsov "Application of the finite elemetov in a nonstationary task of heat conduction"
  3. Danilchenko T.A., prof. Markin A.D. "Identification of nonstationary temperature fields with the ultimate speed of propagation of heat"
  4. prof. Markin A.D., R.S. Dumbur "Development of a mathematical model and algorithm of control of the lining Horn"
  5. K.Z. Galimov, R.G. Surkin "On the Kazan scientists on the theory of plates and obolochekin"
  6. H.-J.Reinhardt, J/Frohne "On Multidimensional Inverse Heat Conduction Tasks"
  7. A. Bondarev "Organization of solutions of inverse tasks in the simulation of flows in channels"
  8. Trohova N.S. "Methods for solving inverse tasks for equations of parabolic type"
  9. V. Konovalov, A. Pakhomov, N. T. Gatapova, A. Koliuh "Methods of solving heat. The thermal conductivity and diffusion in a fixed environment"


  1. J. Beck, Blakuell B., St. Clair C., jr. Incorrect inverse tasks of heat conduction: Per. with ang.-M.: Mir, 1989.-312 pp., il.
  2. Pehovich A.I., liquid V.M. Calculations of the thermal treatment of solids .- Leningrad: Energiya, 1976 .- 352 pp.
  3. Isachenko V.P., Osipova V.A., Sukomel A.S. Heat: Textbook for Universities. - Publ. 3rd, revised. and add. - Moscow: Energiya, 1975.-488 pp., Il.
  4. Betsev N.M., Row A.A. Methods of the theory of heat conduction. - M.: Vyssh. shk., 1982.
  5. ТHeat and mass transfer: thermotechnical directory / E.M. Amethyst, V.A. Grigor'ev, B.G. Emtsev, etc. Under the total. Ed. V.A. Grigor'eva and V.M. Zorina. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1982.
  6. Vernotton P. La nouvelle equation de la chaleur// - Journ. de la chaleur, 1961.
  7. Lykov A.V. The theory of heat conduction .- M.: Higher School, 1967.-600 pp.
  8. Patankar S. Numerical methods for solving the tasks of heat transfer and fluid dynamics .- M.: Energoizdat, 1984.-152 pp.
  9. Alifanov O.M. Identification of heat-aircraft .- M.: Mashinostroenie, 1979 .- 216 pp.
  10. Lykov A.V. Methods for solving nonlinear equations of nonstationary heat conduction / / - Izv. AN SSSR. Energy and transport, 1970, № 5, pp. 109-150.
  11. Tikhonov A.N., Samarskii A.A. The equations of mathematical fiziki.-M.: Nauka, 1972.
  12. Маркин А.Д. Нестационарная диагностика теплотехнолоогических процессов черной металлургии.- Донецк, 1993.- 16 с.
  13. Kozdoba L.A. Methods for solving nonlinear tasks teploprovodnosti.-M.: Nauka, 1975 .- 228 pp.
  14. N.I. Nikitenko The theory of heat .- Kiev: Nauk. Dumka, 1983 .- 352 pp.
  15. V.M. Kapinos, Hrestovoy Y.L. Numerical solution of differential equation of unsteady heat conduction

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