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Yuldashkhodjaev Abrorkhuja Islamovich

Yuldashkhodjaev Abrorkhuja Islamovich

Faculty: Fiziko-metallurgical

Speciality: metallurgy of black metals

Theme of master's work:

Research of technology of receipt of ferrokhrom from concentrates with low maintenance of oxides of chrome

Scientific adviser: Doctor of engineerings sciences,Рrofessor Ryabcev Anatoliy Danilovich

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Summary of research and developments

    Alyuminotermiya (on aluminum and Greek. Thérme - heat), alyuminotermic process, a metals and alloys, metal oxides of aluminum recovery.
Charge (of the powdery material) filled in the mine or smelting crucible and burned through the ignition mixture. If the recovery is allocated a lot of heat, performed аlyuminotermiya, without a supply of heat from the outside, develops a high temperature (1900-2400° C),  process operates at high speed, formed metal and slag are well separated.  If the heat is under, in the batch entering fueled supplement or conducting melting in arc furnaces.
    Alyuminotermiya opened by Russian scientists N. Beketov (1859), in industry vnepechnoy process developed by German chemist H. Goldschmidt (1898).
    Ferrochrome - an alloy of iron and chromium (60%), used for alloying steel and alloys. The main contaminants - carbon (up to ~ 5%), silicon (up to 8%), sulfur (up to 0.05%), phosphorus (up to 0.05%). Get rich enough to restore chromite ore  reducing carbon. Chromium is included as alloying element in many steels and alloys.     The industry produces ferrochrome with different carbon content (from 8 to 0.02%). The lower carbon content in the alloy, so more energy and materials spent on its production and the more expensive alloy. Carbon ferrochrome smelt two brands: FH800 at least 65% Cr, FH650 less than 65% Cr. For the production ferrohrom, used chrome ore.
    As a reductant in the production ferrohrom, using sorted koksik size of 10-25 mm, containing not more than 0,5% S and not more than 0.04%Р.
The composition of chrome ore is composed of oxides of iron, they make to the alloy required quantity of iron.

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