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Магистр ДонНТУ Юлдашходжаев Аброрхужа Исламович

Yuldashkhodjaev Abrorkhuja Islamovich

Faculty: Fiziko-metallurgical

Speciality: metallurgy of black metals

Theme of master's work:

Research of technology of receipt of ferrokhrom from concentrates with low maintenance of oxides of khrom

Scientific adviser: Prof. Ryabcev Anatoliy Danilovich

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About myself:

Freely I speak on Russian, Uzbek languages, I know English and Ukrainian languages (with dictionary). I have the diploma in "Mountain technician electrical mechanic ",as well as a Bachelor and a specialist in "Metallurg". Hobbies: sports, technology.


I was born June 13, 1982 in the city of Tashkent region Almalyk Uzbekistan. From 1988 to 1997 I studied at secondary school № 19 of,Almalyk Tashkent region.


In 1997, entered the Almalyk mining metallurgical technical college, specializing in Mountain electro-mechanics". In 2001, after graduating from college, I was sent to work on Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, in pit Kalmakir.


In 2003 I was enrolled in the intergovernmental agreement in the Donetsk National Technical Universityin "Metallurgy of ferrous metals' physical and metallurgical department. In september 2008, was enrolled in the Master's, Donetsk National Technical University in the specialty metals and steel scrap.

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