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Master of DonNTU Chernigovskiy Dmitriy

Chernigovskiy Dmitriy

Faculty: Computer Science
Speciality: Software engineering (PS)
Theme of master’s work: Effective program visualization of real objects set by class models «a cloud of points»
Leader of work: Zori S.A.


About myself:

My academic average is 4,55.
I speak fluently Russian, Ukrainian and I know English on the level, enough for reading documentation.
Experience of programming: C/C++, C++ Builder, MS Visual C++, Pascal, Delphi, Assembler, Perl, PHP.
I have an experience of work with data bases: Oracle, MS Access, MySQL.
I can manage such the packages as: Autocad, Mathematica, Rational Rose, MathCAD.


I was born on 26th of August, 1987 in a small mining town Kirovskoye, Donetsk region. Father, Jacov Chernigovskiy, worked as chief mine surveyor at the mine “Zhdanovskaya”. Mother, Galina Chernigovskaya, worked as head of the pharmacy. I am the fourth and the youngest child in the family. Sisters, Irina and Yana are 13 years older than me, brother Maxim is 20 years older.

I almost do not remember the pre-school childhood. I did not go to kindergarten. In addition to the parents, my upbringing was engaged by the nurse, Valentina Skvortsova. Many thanks to them for their patience, full support and their trust in making my own decisions.

I learned to read early, and, realizing the promises of the new opportunities of that skill, began to investigate an extensive home library. Tales and other works for children I liked to listen to more, but read only the encyclopedia, being interested about the organization of the world. In the rest my childhood differed very little from millions of others - I was busy with toys, watching cartoons, and from time to time walking along the street.

In 1994 I began to study at school ¹ 2. Innovations in the form of daily waking up at 6 a.m. and monotonous homework did not cause me any enthusiasm. Nevertheless, the studies came easily to me and with new school friends it was interesting and fun. In addition, we had wonderful teachers, whose contribution to my education determined my fate. Our class teacher, Galina Kramar, being soft and responsive woman gained unquestionable authority of us. Galina Chumakova taught us mathematics, and, although I liked the numbers, her approach to the presentation of the material made the subject easier, clearer. ABC programming I learned with the help of Larisa Slivina, before the start of the school curriculum in the discipline, and by the end of studies went much further in this subject than my classmates.

In addition to direct training, I often participated in competitions of biology, mathematics and programming, always winning prizes.

However, I decided to become a programmer only in tenth class, but before that I was more inclined to medicine and biology. Still, the constant work with computers and interest in creative activities to build programs overpowered, and took the first place among my academic interests.

I decided to go to Donetsk National Technical University. The choice of specialty did not take long - "Automated Systems Software" was the most appropriate specialty for me, among those proposed by university. Eventually, after quite a long period of training, I entered University in 2004.

By assignment, I was in the group PS-04à, where soon I met good friends and acquaintances. It was a very friendly group, which was very nice to work with and to have fun.

The first study year was especially difficult, adjusting to new living conditions and studies took quite a long time, and in a couple with other factors was not for the better. However, after that I got used to and did well with the tasks set by the subjects that interested me, and the rest subjects passed without any efforts more than were required. Among the courses we were given, those which stoke in my memory were by Natalya Datsun, Anatolij Skvortsov and Yuri Ladyzhenskij. I really liked their methods of presentation, allowing a deep insight into the subjects.

University gave me a lot of new knowledge in a variety of subjects, but mainly in their basic form. I realized that they needed to be consolidated and improved by practice, and because of this I got a job in «Donetskstal - Metallurgical Plant» in October 2007.

After getting bachelor degree, I entered for master degree, where the head of my diploma work was Sergey Zori. Among the proposed topics for my Master's diploma work, I chose the «Effective program visualization of real objects set by class models «a cloud of points»», because the technology of laser scanning is increasingly used in various fields and the need to address the problems of visualization is becoming increasingly urgent.

In the nearest future, I plan to improve my English knowledge and skills in the field of software development. In the more distant future, I would like to become a highly qualified specialist in this field and to head or create my own company on software development.
