Honeycomb Hexagonal Pattern Overlays

Author: James McCalister


1. Open a new file that is 25 px by 25 px, RGB 144 PPI transparent.

2. Click edit=> preferences => guides, grids and slices. Set the grid to
5 pixels with
5 subdivisions and

3. Hold your ctrl and shift key down and hit your " (ctrl, shift,") to turn your grid on. Magnify your image to about 1000%. Insert a layer.

4. Select your polygonal lasso tool from your tool bar and click in the following coordinates:
8 across, 0 down
17 across, 0 down
25 across, 8 down
25across, 17 down
17across, 25 down
8across, 25 down
0across,17 down
0across, 8 down=> back to 8 across,0 down

5. Click Edit=> Stroke
width=1 px
mode= normal
opacity = 100%

6. Click Select all.

7. Click Edit=> Define Pattern.

Call the pattern "hexagon-25-a"

8. Click Edit=>Undo, till you get to the highlighting and no stroke but you still have a selection.

9. Click EDIT=> STROKE. Select the same stroke, however, set it to 2 px.. 

10. Click Select=>ALL. Click EDIT=> Define pattern. Call the pattern "hexagon-25-b"

11. Select your rectangular marquee and select a square starting at 1 X1 pixels to 24X24 pixels. Click Edit=> Define Pattern. Call this pattern "hexagon-23"

21. Click image=>image size. Resize the image to 21 X 21 pixels.

Click Edit=>define pattern. Name the pattern "hexagon-21"

22. Select your rectangular marquee and select from 1X1 pixel to 20X20 pixel.

Click Edit=> Define pattern. Name the pattern "hexagon-19.

23. Back up by clicking edit=>step backwards until your image is now 25 X 25 again.

24. Click image=> image size. Set the size to 17X17.

Click Edit=>define pattern. Name the pattern "hexagon-17"

25. Select your rectangular marquee and select from 1X1 pixel to 16X16 pixel.

Click Edit=> Define pattern. Name the pattern "hexagon-15.

26. Back up by clicking edit=>step backwards until your image is now 25 X 25 again.

27. Click image=> image size. Set the size to 13X13.

Click Edit=>define pattern. Name the pattern "hexagon-13"

28. Select your rectangular marquee and select from 1X1 pixel to 12X12 pixel.

Click Edit=> Define pattern. Name the pattern "hexagon-11.

29. Click EDIT=>preset manager. Set the preset manager to Patterns. Hold your shift key down and selct all your hexagons. Set the set by clikcing the save set as.