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Ivanov Yuriy

Ivanov Yuriy

Faculty: Computer Science

Speciality: System programming

Theme of master's work:

Research and development the real time processes scheduler for design difficult dynamic systems algorithms

Scientific adviser: Svyatniy Volodimir

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Short biography:

About me
My name is Ivanov Yuriy. I was born in the famous city Donetsk on 8th May, 1987. From the early childhood there is practically nothing I do not remember, but parents told, that I was the normal child. But, all good the end comes, the end to my carefree childhood has come, and it was necessary to go to a kindergarten. By the way it is necessary to note, that I have successfully finished it from the first try. In kindergarten I began to communicate with many other children and I had first comrades, interests, etc. By the way, at this particular time I for myself have firmly solved, that should be engaged in any kind of sports, therefore I’ve try myself in chess and successfully reached 2-nd grade.
When I was seven I started to study in the school No 100 in a unique Ukrainian class. I liked all subjects, the only thing with what was problems and there is a problem now is of a subject "calligraphy", therefore, till now, is beautiful I can write only by typing the Times New Roman font. In the rest study to me was given simply. Especially well I read, as read it is a lot of. In the first class I have shown speed of reading of 140 words in a minute. Closer to 6th year of study I started to be interested more in mathematics and other natural sciences, that’s why parents have decided to transfer me in … the humanities school of the Vasiliy Stus. Fortunately, this educational institution has appeared strong enough. There I studied English (7 hours per week) and German languages also there were simply better people. After the ending 8 classes we have moved to Leninskiy district of Donetsk, that’s why there was a question to change place of studying. Parents have advised me to think of a specialized place: lyceum or a grammar school with a high level of training that there it was possible to be prepared well for entering a university. That’s why in 9 class I have arrived in donetsk liceum " Intelligence ", in technic class. There I have got in an atmosphere of people which interests were similar to mine. Has become interested in programming and everything, that refers to a fashionable phrase “IT”. If when I have come to lyceum and practically could not make anything bad to a computer on the computer science lessons I have taught elements of algorithmization and language Pascal and even took part in Ukrainian competition on computer science.
I awaked that in future I want to do exactly that, so my choice of university occurred by default. It is known that Donetsk National Technical University is a leader in preparation specialists in computer science in Ukraine. I choose “System Programming” because it is a universal mix of necessary knowledge. And I spent half a year on the strengthened preparation for entrance examinations and I have joined on budgetary place in group SP-04à from the first try. The first examinations were the most difficult for me as the system of studying very strongly differed from school: lecturers from different faculties, a heap of the laboratory works, the first exams. Therefore I have finished the first semester not perfectly as it would be desirable. But then I have understood how that system works and 4 years have flown very quickly, at all not having caused any difficulties. I have understood, that if I have come to study to university it is necessary to study well. And if I’ll become the good expert, I will have greater prospects, in fact at university communications with many universities, both Ukraine, and the countries of near and far abroad that opens prospects for scientific cooperation and the further work abroad. The faculty of Computers and Information Science have many qualified lecturers who have huge experience and the fulfilled technique of teaching, inherently unique for the given speciality. It is the great, that big part of mind concentrated to learn hardware, because it is allowed us to create different devices and develop low-level programs. But in the same time main language of programming like Assembeler and C are considered enough. The plan of this speciality has very good fill out, that give an opportunity for graduates to start professional work in all which is related to computers. My computer interests extensive enough, and where I’ll be particularly engaged in the future while I don’t know. I took part in Ukrainian information security contest in a Kharkov in 2006 and in Dnepropetrovsk in 2009 and in system programming contest in the city of Kharkov in 2007, took part in various conferences, in the summer 2006 I took part in internship in Poland in firm Aldec Inc. My mean score for 4 years of studying was 4.98, that has allowed me to join on a free-of-charge place in a magistracy and to continue studying on a speciality. A choice of a magistracy - very serious step in training as it is necessary to study more serious and difficult subjects and also to execute masters work which actually and reflects result of studying the student in a masters degree. Having weighed pro and contra I have solved all, that the magistracy can seriously increase my level as the expert, and I have got in group of the joint SP-08m in which guys from a stream of the joint venture have continued studying as masters. I’d like to have a theme of masters work have been connected with systems of real time both the parallel and distributed systems. Therefore the choice of the head was simple, to them became professor Svyatniy Volodimir. One of areas of his scientific interests - modelling of difficult dynamic systems. Proceeding from it there was also a theme of mine masters work: "Research and development of algorithms of planning of processes of real time of modelling of difficult dynamic systems". In the near future after reception masters degree I would like to receive a real operational experience in the field of my scientific interests and to join in postgraduate study.
My future
In the near future after reception masters degree I would like to receive a real operational experience in the field of my scientific interests and to join in postgraduate study. After that I’d like to get a creative job, where I’d have independent schedule and have a lot of time for private life.

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