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Kononenko Sergey

Kononenko Sergey

Faculty: Computer Science

Speciality: The software of the automated systems

Theme of master's work:

The research of the pipeline parametrisation as the mechanism of 3D graphic image construction according to the model description

Supervisor: Ph.D. Grigor'ev Alexandr

About author


The production progress nowadays has been caused by the great achievements in production of automatization. The design and development are the stages of the production that is why they also have to be determinated by automatization.

The Computer Aided Design(CAD) helps with the desicion making improves the accurancy of calculations, reduces the design time.


The wide computerization in the conditions of the scientific and technical progress provides the productivity growth in many kinds of the public production. The development of new technology is slowed down because of the quality of the realisation of the engeneering ideas while their technological development.

One of the thends in the decision of this problem is creating and improving the CAD.

Scientific novelty

The new type of the computational model has been used, it has a specific kind of presentation of input and output task parameters and a new method of these parameter formation.

The Structure of the CAD

Staffing picture - the structure of the CAD Sprut, 5 frames, delay 1 sec, cycle repeats 7, size=23
Staffing picture - The Structure of the CAD Sprut
(5 frames, delay 1 sec, cycle repeats 7, size=23)

The subsystems are the main structural elements of the CAD: can divided into designing and servicing onew. The subsystems which usuallyperform the calculations are known as designing ones. The servicing subsystems are used for maintaining efficiency of the CAD system.

Every CAD is made a package of the programs(PoP). Every PoP has his own parameters concerning the methods of data processing, the forms of information presentation. This gives the user possibility to select the needed variant of data processing. That is why an engineer need not have as high level of his mathematics as for a programmer.

Constaints of programming in CAD Sprut

CAD Sprut has its own method of programming constrains. Such methods help us to solve the task of parametrization quicker.

Let us have a look at the problem of programming the dynamically indefinite calculation networks. Namely at the CAD Sprut the input task values can be either certain or not certain. He user only sets the problem but the system itself finds the decisions of this problem.

There are some methods of the parametrization:
1). Compliance of the 2 pipes connection
2). compliance of the 1 pipe connection

The language of the model description includes the following lists:
1). the element list;
2). the element properties lists;
3). the list of element connections;

The program in this language is the basic for the computational model because it determines all the decisions of the uncertain parameters. The characteristic point(CP) - is a point in the space which has its own coordinates and its own properties.

The device is the ordered group of the characteristic points. It has the set of its own properties. The device are divided into different types which use various set of properties.

Structural model of the object includes the list of devices, the list of the CP, sublist of the CP, object's properties.

By means of CP data the device is connected with the other devices through the points of connections. The object is the sorted list of the devices which are connected with each other. The object has the list of its own properties. The object structural model includes: the list of devices, the list of CP which are needed for orientation of the object in the space, the sub-list of CP which are considered as the potential points of connection for the objact; the properties of object as a whole.


1). The mechanizm of the semantic networks has been realised in the LISP language.
2). The data base of the inner model of the object has been realised.
3). On the basis of this approach the new decision for the task of complex technical object reconstruction has been given.