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Kovtunenko Sergiy

Kovtunenko Sergiy

Faculty: Computer Science

Speciality: System Programming

Theme of master's work:

Development of MIMD-simulator of IV paralleling level.

Scientific adviser: p.D. V. A. Svjatnyj


Brief resume:

Average mark in bachelours degree:4.37
Operating systems:DOS, Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista; Linux
Main programming languages:Assembler, C'89/C'99, C++, JavaSE 6, Pascal, Delphi, Blitz3D
Software:Eclipse, NetBeans, Borland C++ Builder 6, Borland Delphi, Microsoft Visual Studio, MATLAB R2008a, Macromedia Flash 8, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004, MS Office
Languages:Russian: native.
Ukrainian: native.
English: free reading and writing.
German: free reading and writing.
Interests:Football, badminton, traveling, movies, computers



I was born in 27 March 1987 in Moscow. One of my brightest chill’s reminiscences is the Flight to the Moon. Oh no, I did not want to become a cosmonaut. The reading of a book for children “Neznajka at the Moon”, written by Nosov had influenced greatly on my decision Common internal architecture of the rocket which was shown in the book amazed me greatly. Decision to make a flight to the Moon was made in several days. Together with my friend we decided to fly to the Moon on the aggregate which we decided to build on the base of a children’s chute, named “Rocket”. The role of the on-board computer must be played by programmable calculator “Electronic” But my dream did not come true, because my friend didn’t come to the starting of the rocket at appointed time. This event thought me to think twice before doing something. This principle often saved me from different troubles in my professional work.


In 1994 I entered to the school # 17 in Donetzk, and passed training course.

It was a comprehensive physicomathematical school No. 17. After a short interview I was sent to a specialized class “A” where subjects were taught on the basis of the knowledge of the first grade curriculum that a pupil already knew and so the ordinary curriculum was extended and made more complex. At that time the school was thought to be one of the best in Donetsk.

It was easy for me to study at the school. In parallel with school I attended the young sailor’s club, which is called “Okean” by the end of the eighth form. In the senior school I made a choice of my future profession. Of course should be connected with the digital technology.


In 2004 I successfully passed rate examination and got a right to study at a budget department in the Donetzk National Technical University, and was taken in as a student. My specialty is a system programming. Why did I choose this profession? I think that it is connected with one of my misfortunes; I always try to come to the heart of the problem. This desire disrupted my plans many times; I did not finish my projects in time, because when you are trying to come to the heart of the problem, you do not feel time.

After the first year of studyng at the university, in 2005, I entered the German group. During the second, third and a fourth courses I had studied the German language.

Scientific adviser of my graduation master's work is Head of “Computer science” department, Professor V. A. Svjatnyj. Mainstream of scientific work - parallel and distributed computing. Foreign collaboration with Universities and companies Germany rest on the basis of research in this field.

In the future I would like to graduate from the University, pass the post-graduate course, and occupy myself with development of scientific project.

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