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Maslov Evgeniy

Maslov Evgeniy

Faculty: Computer Science

Speciality: Computer Systems and Networks

Theme of master's work:

Methods and means for calculating the parameters of the server infrastructure

Scientific adviser: Anoprienko Alexandr

About author


Summary of research and developments
  "В эпоху стремительных технологических перемен планирование нагрузки становится все более необходимым.Проактивный подход поможет вам подготовиться к будущему." Фредерик В. Шолл

In today's world of digital technology is becoming increasingly occupy the introduction of Internet and network technologies in all spheres of everyday life. In today's world, where the success of many projects related to their stability and capacity of Internet infrastructure, much depends on the potential capacity. If for example when introducing a new Internet resource, the developer was able to add a smooth transfer of power in an active state, ie to transfer the system to all users. So now there is no such possibility. At this stage in the development of digital technologies which are already being measured in years, the Internet (one year is equal to a quarter of the calendar) is the need for proactive planning of the expected loads, with the expectation of the current number of users that will be translated into the system and taking into account the emergence of new ones. The increasing complexity of modern infrastructure of the Internet and extremely rapid growth of the intensity of its use led to continuous growth requirements for hardware and software. In these circumstances, the particular relevance becomes effective utilization of available resources. Who - you may say that at this level of technology, it is much easier to use the resources to reserve. And to the extent necessary, for example at 80% power to increase the hardware 2 times. No one can challenge that such a method widely available at the moment, but this technique may well show themselves to relatively small projects. And take that nibut similar to the example of the official WOW (World Of Warcraft), a world-renowned resource company Blizzard. This resource supports a variety of sites, the server is on - line RPG mnogomilionnym with the number of users daily. The servers with terabytes of data, enormous power processors, and the parameters that can be considered a gamers dream, or simply the person who knows how to use them. Many will say that the financial situation of Blizzard to improve the settings several times and did not notice, but let's keep in mind that this project was created with the aim of earning, but not such costs. Also note that the assets the company did not have with the launch, when the only thought WOW. And also take into account the fact that at the moment, computer equipment morally aging at such a speed that is literally today's ideals in a year will be mediocrity. And invest huge finances in stores in store "power, similar to jettison assets in the wind.



In today's world, the Internet increasingly penetrates the daily lives of people. Now anyone is not surprised a personal page, blog, electronic invoicing, etc. More and more businesses want to have their own page, not only because of the prestige, but also because it is useful for business development. Considering the speed of development of information technologies earlier techniques are increasingly becoming obsolete, and requires the development of new methods and ways of setting up and payment to fit your time.


Scientific significance

Search and analysis of the subsequent development of methods for calculating the server infrastructure, is an integral part of the research, which subsequently will allow to plan the requirements for server capacity, the rate of the required load, as well as on the basis of available capacity to calculate the critical loads. What will help limit the load on the server, to preserve its efficiency.


Direct contact and purpose of the study

In addressing issues related to improving the effectiveness of Internet-oriented network infrastructure is necessary to solve one of the 2 tasks: Direct problem: given the characteristics of the hardware (and general infrastructure) to determine the optimal and peak load. The inverse problem: knowing the desired load, determine the desired characteristics of the infrastructure. Both tasks can be solved as in statics, and dynamics. For the dynamic calculation process is divided into a set of critical intervals, which should be enough to find an effective solution. Accordingly, you can talk about the direct method for solving the problem of efficiency and supposes the calculation of the possible load for the given characteristics of hardware and software, and vice versa, to determine requirements for hardware and software based on the characteristics of existing and projected loads. But the practice is most appropriate to use the combined method, which first determined the range of possible loads for a certain set of characteristics of the infrastructure, and then clarifies the specific requirements for hardware and software based on the proposed load.


Object study

Server configuration for various parameters.


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Scientific novelty

Development of new algorithms and techniques for the calculation of server settings, as well as "upgrade" was already outdated at the moment. It opens up tremendous opportunities in the field of optimization of Internet-based (and not just projects) that will not only reduce the cost of improving existing facilities, but also be able to control certain aspects, and does not administer the entire infrastructure as a whole, but also its separate parts.


Main results

At this point in development and testing remain the method of calculating power processor based on statistical data about the queries to the server, and the number of expected users of the system. At present method allows to predict the required capacity based on the number of users per day, as well as to calculate how many users the ability to maintain a basic configuration. And what it must be to support a given number of users.



Conclusion This work will help to formulate methods and ways, increasing the capacity of various servers, as well as reduce the costs that may occur when you need to increase the data capacity. Thus, we can achieve the greatest impact with minimum time costs, finance, and nerve cells (which incidentally is not restored).



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