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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Morozov Roman

Morozov Roman

Faculty: Computer Science

Departments: Applied Mathematics and Information Science

Speciality: Software engineering

Theme of master's work:

Portioned algorithms of solving of the problems of high dimensionality on computing claster

Scientific adviser: Cond. of Scl(Eng) Ladyzhenskiy Yuriy

Materials on the theme of master's work: Master's work


What can I say about myself? For the four years of educationfor my average point to progresses have formed 4.84 that has allowed me to pass in magistracy and the general rating of the flow to occupy the 4 places. For this time I have studied and have got the experience of the work with such languages: C++, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Lisp, Prolog, Delphi, Assembler, JavaScript, HTML, WinAPI. I have an experience of the programming in the next environments: Borland Delphi 7, Visual Studio C. I can fluently speak Russian, Ukrainian languages and I know English in volume enough for working.



I was born in September 10 1987 in city Donetsk in family of the miner. Both of my parents Morozov Nikolay and Morozova Nataliya were borned in 1957 already had two childrens, my brothers and I turned out to be the younger child. The senior brother, Morozov Viktor was born in 1981, and middle brother Morozov Vladimir was born in 1983. They are not much older than I, that’s whe we always spent time together.

All of my childhood have passed with grandmothers and in the kindergarden, that was not far from home. In that time all of our big family lived with grandmothers. But I din’t liked to go to the kinder garden, because there were no vacancies there. And I have waited for going to school. For year before school we have moved in the other region of the city, and the last year I happened to go in other kinder garden "Zaychik". In the childhood I loved to play in desk plays and solve the developing problems


In 1994 I went to the first forms of the general school I-III steps number 46 of the city Donetsk. After distribution I have got to the class "B", but there I stayed not for a long time, already in the 5 form after one more distribution I have got to the class "A", where I have studied until the end of the education in school.The years of the education in school have passed for me easy and spontaneous.

I have got “good” marks. In the eights form in springtime I went in international camp "Artek" and have got a lot of unforgettable impressions. From the beginning of the eleventh form I have started to visit starting-up courses on mathematics and informatics, for entering the university.

During education in school I have participated in district olympiad on informatics and mathematics, and occupied the prize places. In school I have gained the reliable friends, with which on the present moment I still keep in touch.


Yet when I was in the eleventh form, my senior brother have studied in university on professions connected with programming. The senior brother studied to become engineer-programmer in institute of the artificial intelligence on the fifth course, and middle brother have studied to become the programmer in Donetsk National Technical University on pulpit of the applied mathematics and informatics (AMI). That has defined my choice of the profession and university.

At the beginning of 2004 I have visited all three rating test for entering in the Donetsk National Technical University (DONNTU). In general my average ballet on rating has allowed me to occupy the 5 places in list that got on budget.

Thereby, I became the student of DONNTU on professions "software of the automatic systems"

In the Autumn 2004 I was portioned in group PS-04V. And monitor of this group was nominated on combine jobs. On the second course I have entered in rows training on military pulpit under DONNTU. Thereby, all these years were very interesting and cognitive in scholastic and life spheres. From the fourth semester of the education I became to study on excellent.

At the end of the fourth course I have passed dues on military pulpit and has passed the state exam on my military profession and in two month an order was signed by the minister of defence about appropriations me ranks second lieutenant spare. The special impression beside I have left acceptance "The swear on faithfulness to the people of Ukraine".

After passing the state exam, I have got the diplom of the bachelor with distinction and have entered the magistracy on profession "software of the automatic systems".

On mutual agreement the assistant professor of the pulpit PMI Ladyzhenskiy Yuriy became the leader of my scientific work. He has offered the direction of studying of solving the problems on computing claster. The subject of the magister work became "Portioned algorithms of solving of the problems of high dimensionality on computing claster"

The Purposes for the future..

In the near future I see myself experienced workman in the sphere of the development plan and realization of software of the different direction. In the further future I see myself as the leader of the large company of software development.

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