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Podyachih Helena

Podyachih Helena

Faculty: Computer Science

Speciality: Computer Systems and Networks

Theme of master's work:

Research of router algorithms in different configuration IP-networks

Scientific adviser: Krasichkov Alex

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

Brief resume

The mean score in bachelor’s degree – 4.98
Possession of languages: Ukrainian (native), Russian (native), English (technical).
Professional skills: Programming languages: C ++, Assembler, Pascal, HDL, HTML.
                                 Databases: MySQL, MS Visual FoxPro.
Hobby: dances, rolling on roller skates, game on fortepiano, reading of books, receipts of the second higher education, speciality “Management of organizations”.

Preschool ages:

In warm summer evening, on July, 5-th 1987, in maternity home of Shakhtersk the red-haired girl was born, the father has named her Elena. For that time Vasily Podyachih held a post of the assistant to the commander of a military mine-rescue part, Galina Podyachih - a post of the bookkeeper and simultaneously received a speciality marksheider in the Moscow college of mines. In a kindergarten me, Helena Podyachih have given early, in 1 year and 2 months as all relatives were very occupied people and in travelling. With children at the beginning I not so communicated as with a brown flat bear cub much. In general, always was very active, curious and uneasy. When time approached becomes the first-grader, I have shown good abilities in the technician of reading and the letter.


It is difficult to forget the first school days spent to grammar schools. Since 7 years I have got acquainted with ballet dances and gymnastics, game on piano which have been included in the obligatory program. It was very cheerful and interesting. After 3 grades I have passed in a Shahtersk’s comprehensive school of ¹1. Estimations at me always were almost perfectly well. I with pleasure never participated in the school olympiads. In 8-th grade has ended musical school, the academic concerts and sensation of universal attention of spectators to the acting were for a long time remembered. Most of all from school subjects I liked physical culture, games in volleyball and run on spring park which settled down near to school. After occurrence of the house computer in 9-th grade there was a passionate hobby for games. In 11-th grade I have reflected on a choice of a higher educational institution and a speciality. Attracts to knowledge that is absolutely not clear, therefore the computer engineering became a reference point. The strengthened studying of mathematics and computer science on preliminary courses, and by the spring – successful delivery of introductory ratings has begun. The life is fine! With the schoolmates we still gather at school, at a meeting of graduates.


So, in 2004 I entered in Donetsk National Technical University, on the faculty of the Computers and Information Science, speciality is the «Computer systems and networks». Other city, new impressions, new friends. Teaching demanded considerable efforts, appeared, that I am capable on handing over of session with a middle mark 5.0, therefore after 4 courses was diplomaed bachelor with a difference.

Exactly in an university I met people which in a sufficient measure influenced on me: it was taught a great deal, extended world view horizons. New interests appeared in science, literature, music, cinema, sport, dances etc. The most important is a friendly collective, what a group of KS-04b was.

In master's degree work I will present a theme, touching the study of computer networks, « Research of router algorithms in different configuration IP-network». Leader of Krasichkov Alex. Modern technologies develop very quickly in aspiration in everything to please human necessities and queries. Network resources and access to the global network the Internet become accessible practically in any digital technique. It is important to set and put right connection of objects by a both wire and off-wire method.

Plans on the future

In 2009 I plan to get a master's degree and successfully to complete an university. As well as any graduating student, will aspire to the receipt of perspective and interesting work. I can be named very industrious, therefore to professional growth will make maximal pushes.

I can not present the future in 10 years, domestic position, place of residence and work, because from ambitiousness direction of vital way can be chosen or changed at any moment.

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