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Reutskaja Natalia

Reutskaja Natalia

Faculty: Computer Science

Speciality: Economical cybernetics

Theme of master's work:

Analysis of offectiveness of grocery store functioning by Markovian models practice

Scientific adviser: Feldman Lev Petrovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


About mytself

I, Reutskaya Natalia Yur'evna, student DonNTU, faculty of VTI, group of EKI-08m. Middle mark in the period of teaching in an university 3,56. Freely I own the Russian and Ukrainian languages. At initial level own English. Does not have an experience and own developments.


I was born on the frosty snow morning of 4th December of 1987ã. It can be therefore I and now anymore love the winter and not nearly take away a heat. It happened in town Debal'tsevo of the Donetsk area. In this town also my mother was born and until now my live grandmother and grand-dad. Here I conducted all vacations of summers somewhere class to 8th (but about school later). Living the whole year of the carefree childhood in Debal'tsevo, I together with parents moved in Kharkov, where a mother then worked in Kharkov tractor factory (KHTZ). However here I stayed too long not long. My dad already a long ago worked in the locomotive depot of the home town Krasnyj Liman, and in 1991 we with mamaoy moved there already into permanent place of inhabitation.

My further fate of nerozluchno is related to the city Krasnyj Liman, where greater part of my conscious life passed. Friends, years of schools, merry holidays on an area before a recreation centre, sporting competitions, quiet and comfortable avenues, and, certainly, magnificent nature: forests, blue lakes, small river of Severskiy Donets, is all left indelible track in my memory.

Years of schools

On September, 1, 1994 I went out into the first class of general school ¹4. I will not say that I especially in something thankful school. Yes, she gave me base knowledges which any education is impossible without, but not moreover. I studied well: every year got on hands a «boring» table in which the same estimation showed off on all objects – «5», and collected collection of praiseworthy leaves.

A situation changed steeply, when a technical lyceum was opened in our town, where adopted students after 8th classes of ordinary school. Successfully handing over preliminary examinations, in 2000 I became his student. Here were all terms both for the deep study of objects of schools and for realization of the creative plans and talents. Exactly due to a successful on-line tutorial and at an assistance teachers I from 2000 to 2004 was the permanent participant of city olympiads on biology, geography and chemistry, twice uchavstvovala in city olympiads on mathematics and Ukrainian, and on time – on olympiads on history and Russian. Always took seats of prizes. From 2001 to 2003 of uchavstvovala in regional olympiads on biology (Donetsk), and in 2002 yet and in a regional olympiad on geography.

And as early as the walls of lyceum I began to write verses and wrote the advanced study on Russian literature on a theme «Domestic nests in a novel «War and world»». It is sorry that I so was not able to protect her in the small academy of sciences, as a day and even time of defence coincided with ratings tests in DonNTU. And I chose institute of higher, that farther more helped me to become a student. Certainly, all teachers of lyceum were the real professionals, and without their help I, probably, would not become a student none of Institutes of higher, but it is desirable to express the special gratitude teacher of biology Dedurinoy Svetlane Ivanovne, who indeed inlaid the particle of the soul of iserdtsa in me.On the end of my teaching with the gilded youth, I was fully dipped in new, at times enigmatic and difficult, pory merry and interesting university life.


A decision about the choice of speciality was given uneasily. Although in the choice of Institute of higher of the special doubting it was not. At first, at a lyceum a treaty was concluded with DonNTU about a collaboration in preparation of university entrants: to us arrived and delivered lectures teachers from an university;secondly, we were fully acquainted with an order and entering terms this university, including on the rating system; and in the third, it was well-to-do us subject to the conditions agreement the simplified entering university on the basis of interview with participation the teachers of DonNTU.

However much it was clearly, that liberal arts which I carried with are (at least in our country) having no the prospects. Who does need biologists and geographers in our time, not to mention about Russian literature? Reliable and vosstrebovannoy of research base on Ukraine it is not, and to vegetate right through life by a laboratory assistant on a beggarly pay-envelope.A choice fell on technical institute of higher, as workers exactly of engineerings specialities are not enough in our country . But also to «bury in earth» the humanitarian tendencies it was not desirable also.Therefore my speciality was become by «Economic cybernetics», which harmoniously combines in itself such claimed now mathematics, informatics, analysis and prognostication of processes of productions and humanitarian economy, management, marketing. In addition, EKI, unlike most specialities of DONNTU, as impossible more befits girls, as does not require the investment of hard physical work.It was lucky me – I acted on the chosen speciality on results ratings tests yet to completion of teaching at school. Teaching years in an university enabled me to study the great number of disciplines, allowed to know a lot of new and useful information, both in the field of economics and analysts and in all spheres of modern life. And although my certificate of bachelor is distant ot ideal, besides all other an university taught me never not give up in difficult situations, always to search an output (insoluble tasks do not exist in fact) from them, never to drop a hand and always striven for the place under a sun.

Yet he taught some rules of socializing with people and complimented with new friends. I think exactly it, instead of «educational, alphabetic» knowledges in the total and helped me to become master's degree.

The theme of diploma work was offered a leader. She is actual now, as in Ukraine now actively the queuing systems are inculcated in all spheres of life (SMO). ATMS, booking-offices, separations of payment of public utilities are all the examples of SMO. However got the most wide distribution of SMO was in large shops, in particular food, what was represented in my work. Primary purpose on the future is a receipt of diploma of master's degree, a middle mark in which will be higher, than in the certificate of bachelor. In future I plan to realize the got knowledges working in the field of marketing and management.

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