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Magistr DonNTU Sukhanov P.A.

Sukhanov Pavel A.

Faculty of Computer Science and Technology

Department of Computer

Specialty: System programming

Subject of graduation work:

Remote monitoring of PC user

Supervisor: Sergey V. Teplinskiy

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About myself (main):

Average score in the period of study at the university 4.0

Free speak Russian, Ukrainian

Sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English

Programming Languages: C #, C + +, C, asm x86, Pascal.

Development Environments: Visual Studio 6/7/8, BC + + Builder, Borland Delphi.

Modeling tools: GPSS, Matlab, Simulink.

Operating system: Windows XP / Vista, Linux.

Short Biography:


I was born the sixth of June in the glorious city of Donetsk, in the family of doctors, mother Irina Sukhanova, Father Andrey Sukhanov. Unfortunately brothers or sisters I have not.

Almost immediately after my birth my family moved to the city Gorlovka (Ukraine, Donetsk region), where I passed almost all of my heroic childhood. Raising my parents were engaged. Sooner learned to speak and read. With a three-chetyre years, I went to kindergarten ¹ 4 "Thumbelina", where I received the initial knowledge in the field of reading and writing ...


In seven years, when my family returned to the city of Donetsk, where I went to the 1-A class GS number 150. In school I very fond of many things: basketball, dancing, went to music school, playing chess. I wanted to try everything. So I lived through the eighth grade, until such time as my family returned to his native city Gorlovka. There, in a provincial backwater, passed the rest of my school years. There in 8-B class, and later in 10-A, I got real friends, as well as a certificate of secondary education. At the same time began to attend hobby of sports tourism, as well as classes on Slavyanogorsk fight. Throughout the school has participated in various years olympiads in chemistry, physics and computer science.


In grade 11 in front of me was one of the most difficult elections in my not so long life: choice of profession. In that period of my life I had a special craving for something specific, science, therefore the problem of choice for me was extremely difficult, I chose the subjects that I thought I examined, as well as either a physicist or chemist, I did not want to be special, I chose the programming, namely, system programming at the Department of Computer Science and Informatics. Where and acted on the results of examinations. The fact that such a system programming then I imagined a little, but over the years, I understand that not miscalculated. The university study some subjects were very interesting, I am also deeply grateful to the teachers for their patience and done as general education and educational work. Necessary basic application.

Most benefited the following subjects System Programming, System prgramming software.

Should be emphasized the following teachers Teplinskii Sergei Shevchenko Olga G.

Motivation proceeds to the magistracy, choosing the topic and supervisor

After undergraduate, enrolled in master's degree, where he continued to grasp the science for almost a year. Special achievements yet, but I graduated, in itself is a rather big achievement. The theme for the master's work, I chose the software for hidden monitoring of the user ", whose leader was Sergei Teplinskii. On the choice of subject influenced primarily the desire to create something interesting and above all has practical and commercial

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