Student of Donetsk National Technical University Vinokurov Alexey

Faculty: Computer Science

Speciality: Software Engeneering

Theme of master's work:

The research of tridimensional point clouds classification algorithms and their effective realization by the GPU

Scientific adviser: Zori S.A.

Short resume

Academic average: 4.77

Languages: russian, ukrainian - free, english allows read docuentation

Programming skills: C/C++, MS Visual C++, Pascal, Boralnd Delphi, Assembler, Perl, Lisp, Prolog

Experience: MySQL + Delphi 5 - 1.5 years, MS Visual Studio + MFC - 1.5 years.

Short biography:


It happened on August 26, 1987 in our beloved almost hero city of Donetsk. Worn out by the heat clock showed 12.30 p.m. Nurses and obstetricians were arguing in smoking-rooms. So it was an ordinary summer day, nothing was of ill omen. Until the halls of maternity hospital that had been asleep before were struck by a heartrending cry of new-born human baby. It was quite a long cry that after rare lunch and sleep breaks used to disturb public order again. Probably it was the first display of my unsteady and Anordic character.

Besides breaking public order I got fond of reading, the more so because I learned to read quite early – at the age of three. Everything was in use – from fairy tales and encyclopedias up to manuals on packages of Chinese semi-prepared vermicelli. Those happy days could have gone on but for the two solemn and severe people (so my parents Vinokurov Sergei Alekseevich and Vinokurova Oksana Vladimirovna, representatives of the noblest profession of doctor, appeared to me that day). They took me by the hand and brought me to the kindergarten. Then I turned out to be sociopathic. Though I didn’t know this word at the age of five, but I was awfully repelled by the children around me. And as it happens in happy and carefree romance novels our feelings were mutual.


Therefore my parents had enough reasons to fear that I would get out of line in school too. But a miracle happened and having entered the doors of the school ¹54 I changed wonderfully. Alongside with the perfect results in studies I also took part in social life of my class as much as I could do it in primary school. Though being inexperienced I used to attach too great importance to the marks. Every time as I received a "four" I clothed in black, listened to sad and pathetic Chopin and thought about something eternal. It was about then that I met football. We looked into each other’s faces and there was a sparkle between us. Though I didn’t notice it at first and kicked the ball just from time to time.

The transitional age was coming. The 12-13-year-old children, sweet enough for Old Masters of Renaissance to picture them as angels on their majestic Madonna and Child paintings, are inclined to suffer strange transformations. I didn’t escape the common lot. Now the records of my bad behaviour were placed into my school record book alongside with the “fives”. I turned out to be a kind of hooliganic nerd. ‘This energy should be reasonably directed’, my parents considered and sent me to various hobby circles and groups. So many activities then I used to do! Theatre, basketball, drawing, swimming, young naturalist group, dancing, chess, applied art… It’s difficult to recall everything. But one day my father brought me to the stadium. There I fell in love up to my ears once and for all. I used to spend nights and days on football pitch playing restlessly, running, jumping, wearing down my trainers and scratching my knees. And I used to be the happiest man in the world. And I didn’t notice as I entered computer group of Regional Palace of Youth. All my thoughts were about the gate and the ball. Could anyone know that my decision to study cutting-edge technology would be determining? Primary lack of enthusiasm for computers turned into an ardent passion.


Awkwardly knocking fingers on the keyboard, I learnt programming elements on old kind Pascal. Somewhere during the same time the idea to become the ingenious programmer occurred to me. Moreover the age was proper for cardinal turn of a lifeline. Without superfluous modesty I’d tell that I was the best pupil at school, it was possible to paste over a small bathroom with letters of commendation. Now I perfectly understand that it was not about my outstanding abilities but rather about a mediocre level of my school that had been once the best in the city. It was not for me at the age of 14 to understand this commonplace truth, and the delusion of my own grandeur had grown up to size of a large rhinoceros. I thought myself the giant of thought and if not the father, at least the grandnephew of Russian democracy. Being so clever and beautiful I also decided to change an educational institution. I had finished the eighth class, a half of life seemed to be over, it was high time to think about future. My choice had fallen on "Intelligence" lyceum. It was near my house so that for me, known "owl", it seemed to be a destiny gift. Also my acquaintances gave this lyceum perfect recommendations. The questions concerning specialisation didn't arise too – certainly computer science. I collected documents quickly, said goodbye plaintively to the schoolmates and went on entrance examinations.

There I faced a serious disappointment. I passed, but I made it with a scratch of the steam locomotive which had been left in an open-air depot for fifty years and decided to turn on old mechanisms unexpectedly. And then, having spent a month at a school desk, I came to the conclusion that there were people of my age on this planet, whose brains were bigger not only in weight. I sighed, gave an insulted look to the sky, pulled myself together and started to study, study and to study once again. Without the slightest tinge of irony I can say that three years spent in lyceum were the best time in my life. The atmosphere in lyceum was absolutely exciting. Not only the educational process was 10 times more complex and intensive than one in an ordinary school, also relations between teachers and pupils were based on mutual respect. We were treated with care and understanding. Not only a science granite was pushed into our mouthes. We also were taught to be people from a capital letter. Mixing it up with a row of every possible activity, the best educational institution in the Universe and its vicinities will turn out. I am very grateful to the "Intelligence" teaching staff that I am what I am: a bit educated and moderately unbalanced. In lyceum I continued to be deeply engaged in computer science. It brought me certain dividends: in three years I won two city competitions on programming, became the prize-winner in regional competitions for three times, participated in one national competition, and also received the third diploma of small academy of sciences regional competition.


Time was passing, taking away my childhood minute by minute. Profession was chosen. There was only high school to choose to keep on my way to wealth and glory. I didn't want to move to another city as I knew I wouldn't have had enough time to study there. That's why I decided to enter Donetsk National Technical University. It had the best reputation of all Donetsk high schools where programming was taught.In March I’ve already wrote rankinkgs and entered the university on a free of pay place. During first three years I studied really hard. But then I became disappointed with the national system of higher education. After the fourth year, in 2008, I received a Bachelor diploma with honors.

Then I passed the single State examination and entered the Magistracy. My current scientific adviser is Zori, my subject is “The research of tridimensional point clouds classification algorithms and their effective realization by the GPU”. I will do my best to write my Dissertation and I hope to defend it to finish the MA course and take a good job.