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Master DonNTU Aleksandra Yukhno

Aleksandra Yukhno

Faculty: Computer Science

Department: Applied mathematics and informatics

Speciality: Economic cybernetics

Theme of master's work:

The augmentation of the enterprise activity efficiency by optimization of the planning’s subsystem

Leader of work: ph. d. of technical science Sitnikova O.D.

| The Abstract of master's thesis |

About me:

Average mark 4,89

Native speaker of Russian and Ukrainian, speak English fluently


Analytical and scientific software: The Mathworks MATLAB, Math Cad
Spreadsheet software: Microsoft Excel
Development environment software: Microsoft Visual Basic
Data base user interface and query software: Microsoft Access
Tools: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Outlook Express

The short biography:

The childhood

       I was born on the 13th of May, 1987 right after the 25-th anniversary of my father. I remember that my parents were working very hard that days, so my grandmother undertook the whole load of cares and responsibilities about me. I consider my grandmother as my main tutor and friend who always raised in me the feeling of responsibility, diligence and love to study. If you knew my grandmother you would certainly say that she's the most wise and judicious person you'd ever met, now after many years my grandmother’s opinion is the most important for me.


      Studing in school was going without difficulties for me. When I was on my 5th year of school I became class monitor and one of the members of active pupils’ organization. It was really interesting for me to be engaged in all out-of-class work. As a volunteer I helped to make an excursions for pupils in the bread museum, participated, perhaps, in all schools concerts and competitions.

      But soon I had to give up my out-of-class hobbies, because at the age of fourteen I've decided to join secondary school of new type called Donetsk College. Each weekend I went on preliminary lessons where I prepared for entrance examinations in mathematics and English language. It was really hard. I felt the frustration of weak school preparation and was on the verge of idea renunciation.

      Now I think that to enter college is one of the most correct decisions in my life. Although Donetsk Collage is a school in fact, but it is really unlikeness to usual schools. College is modern educational establishment with advanced teaching in many subjects. I've met a lot of smart and interesting people whom I still keep in touch with.


      Studying in DonNTU is a kind of our family tradition. So I have never had doubts about the choice of university. I decided on the speciality of "Economics and Cybernetics". Having a good experience in rating tests I became a student of DonNTU. The first year was strange and different from the studying in college so it made it a little bit difficult to assimilate. But each semester turned out better and better. At the first year of my studentship I was involved in the project the objective of which was the automatisation of the test for anorexia diagnostic. While working on the project, I collaborated closely with the doctors of the Donetsk regional center of Motherhood and Childhood. I felt myself a part of job which are most likely influent on the peoples lifes and it was incredible feeling.

       Two years later I participated the competiton - “The New Intellect of Ukraine.” This event was organized with support from the International Charity Fund “Ukraine-3000” and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. One of my lecturers urged me to submit a paper entitled “Environment Protection Activity: When Will We Finally Act?” which raises both environmental and economic problems. Unexpectedly for myself I won the second prize. This fact made me mo self - confident, so after that I participated in a number of student conferences and wrote few articles.

       The average mark during the first four years of my education in university was 4.89, that has allowed me to get Bachelor's degree with honour. The topic of Master's thesis is «The augmentation of the enterprise activity efficiency by optimization of the planning’s subsystem», which Sitnikova Olga Dmitrievna advised to me. I hope that skills received during the project performance would be very useful in my further career.

Future plans

       My plans for the nearest future are development and successful presentation of my master’s thesis. I know exactly, that in the future I wish to work in finance department and to develope in this direction. And in general for me the meaning of life consists in harmony of three components: good health, happy family and successful self-realisation. I think, I will have it all, because I have a great wish to have it.

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| The Abstract of master's thesis |