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Ivanchishin A

Ivanchishin Aleksey

The department Construction of the mines and the underground

Mining-geological faculty

Speciality: Mine and underground excavations

Theme of master's work:

Improvement of parametres of access to tunnels at building of Donetsk underground

Scientific adviser: Lysikov Boris

Materials on the theme of master's work: About author

The abstract on a theme of master's work


Now undergrounds in several cities of Ukraine are constructed: Kiev, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, in the future - building in Lvov, Odessa, Lugansk. The underground in these cities will solve a transport problem as existing types of transport any more do not correspond to volumes of carriages.
Underground construction - difficult process of use of the underground space, having the features in comparison with carrying out of mine workings. [11] Special complexity underground building in the city of Donetsk in territory of the Donetsk range differs. Presence of tectonic disturbances, many geologic features and changes - and all it in the territories earned additionally by coal mines. In similar conditions world practice does not give such construction of the underground. [1. c 14-16, 5, 6, 8]

The purpose and operation problems

The diploma purpose is increase of productivity of operation of shafts of access to tunnels at building of undergrounds, and also throughput improvement.
During operation it is necessary to solve following problems:
  1. to analyse present technologies of a construction of vertical workings at building of undergrounds;
  2. to develop settlement schemes of shaft, the interstation tunnel and a place of contact of both developments;
  3. to calculate loadings of developments operating on a support for the developed schemes;
  4. to execute computer modelling of the received results of calculation.

Prospective scientific value

In the course of diploma performance parametres of contact of the interstation tunnel with shaft of access of the big diameter will be defined. A number of experiments and computer modelling for definition of dependence of a thickness of a wall of a support from diameter of shaft will be spent.

Prospective practical value

The closing stage the diploma writing is planned to compare this way of a construction of shafts at building of undergrounds and a way "a wall in a ground". It is planned to prove, that it is expedient to construct two shafts of the big diameter for delivery and extraction of a large-sized working complex in the collected or semicollected condition. Results of research can be used for designing of shaft of underground constructed for building.

The review of existing minings and researches

The first underground in length of 3,6 km for trains with steam draught has been constructed in London in tunnels of fine location in 1860-63. With 1890. In London building of tunnels of deep location has begun, and introductions of electric draught has released tunnels from a smoke and a soot, has improved conditions of operation of a city underground line. In 1868. In New York the elevated city railroad line with the rope draught replaced in 1871 has been opened. On steam, and in 1890. - on electric. By the end of XIX century in Europe the underground has been constructed in five cities: Budapest, Paris, Vienna, Glasgow, Liverpool. One of the oldest on the European continent is the underground of Paris which first line has been constructed to opening of the World industrial exhibition 1900. [1. c 142-152,2.,5. 7]
In the first decade of the XX-th century intensively develops buildings of undergrounds in cities of the USA: Chicago (1892) electric. 1890. A city railroad line with draught of a cable of introduction of electric draught has released tunnels from a smoke and, Boston (1897), Philadelphia (1907), and then in cities of other countries (Madrid, Barcelona, Athenes, Tokyo, Oslo, Stockholm, etc.). Special value of the underground has got after the Second World War 1939-46. Intensive development of large cities has demanded refusal of the land lines located on dolly ways, and gradual transition from elevated and land lines of undergrounds to the underground.
The technology "a wall in a ground" finds application in building of underground constructions not only for long objects, but also at building of the shafts serving for access to tunnels under construction through them of different function. These shafts are used also for ventilation of tunnels at their operation or creations of buffer capacities and pump stations of systems of the water drain.[2.c 32-45,4,]
In Portland, the State of Oregon, the USA is under construction the tunnel uniting the household and storm water drain. The shafts driven along a line of the tunnel, connect existing sewer system to the new tunnel. 6 shafts, including pump station on island Swan Island in total are under construction. Shafts have external diameter of 13,4-41,8 m, internal diameter of 11,6-39,4 m and depth of 41-61 m. [1,6.c 230-234, 10]
Shaft walls are formed of separate panels - the vertical tranches constructed on its perimetre nearby with each other. Their depth is equal to depth of shaft, and the thickness, basically, makes 90 sm, except shaft Nikolai where it is equal 105 sm and shaft of pump station - 120 sm.

Chisel car with a cutting head Figure.1 Chisel car with a cutting head
[3. fig. 1.32]
Chisel car with a cutting head

On a surface the directing concrete ring with which help position of the vertical panels making a wall in a ground is fixed is constructed. The same ring prevents flood of a bentonitic pulp on a surface.

Constructions of a concrete ring and surveying of a surface of shaft.
Figure.2 Constructions of a concrete ring and surveying of a surface of shaft.
[3. fig 1.33]
Construction of a concrete ring
Animation construction of a concrete ring(7 shots, the size 80,7 Kb, duration 1/100 s.)

The trench extraction is carried out or greyfer, suspended on the crane, or chisel car with the cutting head consisting of two rotating cylinders, located horizontally with axes, perpendicular to trench walls. During a construction the trench is filled with a pulp consisting, basically, from a mix of bentonitic clay and water. Depending on properties ground in a pulp chemical additives can be entered. Thanks to it, the trench is retained opened and does not cave in, as the dense pulp which is in it, resists to pressure of soils and underground waters upon trench walls. At building of a trench by chisel car the pulp also is means of an offset of the crushed soil. On a surface soil separates, and the pulp is used repeatedly.
For pump station of sewer tunnel Chattahuchit (Chattahoocheet Tunnel) Atlanta, the State of Georgia, the USA in the way "the wall in a ground" has been driven shaft by depth of 53 m and external diameter 33 m which walls consisted of 26 panels. Their excavation has begun with grabbing excavator use. Then greyfer has been replaced by the crane with rotating cutting cylinders. After achievement of a bottom of panels in them metal lattices which were filled in with concrete were established. Through the cementation boreholes drilled on a circle of shaft, the solution creating a water-proof veil and filling pores and fractures of rocks was forced. [1.c 243-246 ,3,7,11]

A shaft kind from above
Figure.3 A shaft kind from above.
[3. fig 1.44]

The ground in shaft working face was developed by an excavator and loaded in buckets in capacity 7,6 m3 which rose on a surface two caterpillar cranes working simultaneously. After achievement of rocky (radical) soil its extraction was made by drilling-and-blastings. In process of building the shaft was fixed by concrete in the thickness of 150 mm, and then 70 mm on a metal grid.

Mining of a ground in shaft
Figure.4 Mining of a ground in shaft [3. fig 1.44]

The conclusion

  1. The construction of shafts of big diameters demands new approaches to designing as ways of a construction, and kinds of supports and constructions, perfection of the organisation of building (the exact geologic forecast, raised reliability of equipment, advanced methods of water suppression and a drainage, the specified standard base).
  2. The most comprehensible variant gets out as a result of a difficult complex of planning, researches of geological conditions, the analysis of possible ways of building, coordination with city architectural shape, economic calculations and political debates.
  3. At comparison of variants it is necessary to consider not only initial capital investments, but also current expenses for service, safety, repair of these structures.

The list of the used literature

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