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Master of DonNTU Konko Sergey

Konko Sergey

Faculty: Mining-geological

The department: Construction of the mines and the underground

Speciality: Mine and underground excavations

Theme of master's work:

Substantiation of parametres of concrete fastening of vertical shafts on border of cold joints

Scientific adviser: Borschevsky Sergey

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Average in the period of study at the University of 4,5. Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages. In a level sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English. I have experience in Microsoft Office, an investigation into the programming language Visual Basic.

Short biography:


I, Konko Sergey, was born on 22 October 1987 in the city of Donetsk. Dad - Konko Vladimir Vladimirovich, b. 1963, householder. Mom - Konko Svetlana, born 1964, graduated from Chemical Engineering College in 1987, is the project manager on the PC "East Vending. Sister, Konko Elena, a student of class 10 of Donetsk many shapes Lyceum.

Childhood remember bad. As my mom said I was obedient, and independent child who has always loved all things new.


In 1993 he enrolled in the GS 125 and the number studied in class 2. Then transferred to the GS number 126 from the fact that in the previous school accidentally spilled mercury, and graduated in 11 classes. From 8 th to 10th grades, we changed the leaders of 7 classrooms, because class was very mischievous, but friendly. Very fond of mathematics, because It gave me easy. Teachers at our school I love and respect for their very big job. For them it is great thanks. I like football and basketball


After finishing school for me was the choice of further education and skills. "Mining and Underground Construction in DonNTU I chose because I like to build, not destroy, and because the father was a teacher at the college in this specialty. In the period of study at university, I met and became friends with a lot of nice people, very happy with that deal. The first month at university, compared with the school was the most difficult with such an abundance of different subjects at a high level of education. And then slowly led.

Initially, subjects were given complicated but interesting. Thanks to the wisdom and perseverance of the teachers I had benefited from an examination of all subjects. For this they are grateful. And of course my group, which is connected with the best of my college years.

After receiving Bachelor decided to enroll in graduate for further scientific development. The choice of topic, my research manager advised Borschevsky Sergey.

In the near future, I intend to successfully complete the master's. I want to improve their command of English and possibly other foreign languages. Like many others I would like to find a decent, high-paying and interesting job, preferably in the specialty.

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