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Kozachenko Tatyana

Kozachenko Tatyana

Mining-geological faculty

Speciality: Technology and technics of investigation of mineral deposits

Theme of master's work:

Working out the pulsing the pump unit for drilling in difficult mountain-geological conditions

Scientific adviser: Ryazanov Andrey Nikolaevich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Mean score in training at university 4.14 Freely I know Russian, an Ukrainian language. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English. I have an operational experience with software package Microsoft Offise, Adobe Photoshop, Compas-3D, Turbo Paskal. I take a great interest in art drawing and design.

Short biography:

The childhood

I was born on August, 15th, 1987 in the city of Druzhkovke. My family consists of four persons: the father - Kozachenko Sergey Vasilevich, the mechanic; mother - Kozachenko Lyudmila Vasilevna, the mechanic of electrotechnical laboratory; sister - Kozachenko Natalia Sergeevna, the main state tax inspector of the city of Druzhkovki. I did not go To a kindergarten. These years I have spent with a family.


In 1994 when to me it was executed seven years, I have arrived in a comprehensive school number 12 I-III steps of the city of Druzhkovka. At this school I also studied next ten years. For this time I have got set of acquaintances and friends. Besides, I accepted active participation in concerts, was engaged in ball dances. My class was amicable and cheerful. I and am on friendly terms till now with the schoolmates and I communicate. The class teacher was the remarkable teacher - Lazebnik Svetlana Anatolevna - sympathetic, and simply good person. I am very grateful for the shown care to it. In the end of school I have received a silver medal.


In 2004, I have arrived in Donetsk national technical university, on mountain-geological faculty, on a speciality «Technology and technics of investigation of mineral deposits», chairs «Technology and technics of prospecting works». I have chosen this speciality as in my city there is a mining enterprise in which I and plan to work after training. My group has appeared good, cheerful and amicable. There were the new subjects, the new interests familiar. After four years of training at university, I have perfectly written graduation examination and have received the first bachelor's degree about base higher education. Further my plans included training in a magistracy to lift the level of knowledge. The supervisor of studies of mine master's work is the senior lecturer of chair TTGP - Ryazanov Andrey Nikolaevich. A theme of my scientific work is working out the pulsing the pump unit for drilling in difficult mountain-geological conditions. One of the most important plans for the future - successfully to write master's work and to protect it.

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