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Kucheryna Helena

Kucheryna Helena

Faculty: Mining and geology

Minerals and åkological geology department

Speciality: Ekological geology

Theme of master's work:

Influence geologikal and landscape factors on soil pollution field of mine "Ugno-Donbasskaya" # 3

Scientific adviser: Alohin Victor

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


        Middle mark in the period of studies in university 5.0. I know Russian and Ukrainian. I learn English and have a level Intermidiate.

        Short biography:


        I, Kucheryna Helena Vasilivna, was born in the small town of the Tomsk region in Russia 28 November, 1986. A father, Kucheryna Vasiliy Ivanovich, a mother, Kucheryna Natalia Alexanderivna, elder sister, Tatyana.

        Our family moved toDonetsk after living 12 years in Russia dur to conditions of airport close. My father began to work in the Donetsk International airport, where he works until now as the chief of aerodrome department, and my mother works as calculator in a building company.

        Certainly, memories about life in Siberia are most wonderful, maybe, because it is related to childhood. I think, a big love to nature was conceived there! There is nothing better than going pick up mushrooms, cedars nuts, berries, walks on a forest, to feel the sounds of nature, smells.


        Changing a few schools in town Donetsk: ¹ 69, 58 and 48, in 2004, graduate of general school ¹ 48 with honor degree. Character of sociable person, aspiration to leadership and ability of inflowing in new groups were appeared in connection with the frequent changes of schools. In schools years I often took part in many district Olympiads (mathematics, history, and Russian, Ukrainian, chemistry, biology) and always took top scores.

        I finished musical school ¹ 2 in 2003 on the class of piano with a honor degree. I love many kinds of music until now and best of all I like to sing.


        There were no doubts about the choice of educational institution: I wanted to look like a sister who were studying on the second course of faculty FEMA in DonNTU. The prestige of institute was very important too. «Ecological geology» was the most suitable specialty which gives an opportunity to communicate with outward things and nature. In a year after the beginning of studying it was clear, that is a good choice. Practice in Crimea was very important for me: hikes with backpacks in mountains, seats near a fire in the evening, wonderful kinds and much other. Cool!

        There are a many teachers such as Karali M.D., Dudnik V.A., Bahtarova E.P. played considerable role in becoming of specialization on the first plan in the period of the first courses.

        Forming of world-view as personnel of ecological geology made thanks for objects Volkovoi T.P. They make a possible to acquire knowledge in such computer programs as Golden Surftware Surfer 8, SPSS for Windows, Map Info apart from theoretical knowledge.

        Now I have a new hobby - design. I study on designer at school of Kruchynynoy in the evening time. Studies improve me in the area of different programs: Corel DRAW, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD.

        I try to improve myself and to be more qualified engineer. I learn English in the department of foreign languages at DonNU. I want to speak English fluently and to get a certificate not less than Upper Intermidiate.

        I am going to make all pushes for the spread of the theoretical knowledge in area of ecology and geology in the near future, and also for perfection of practical skills. I want to connect the career with my specialization, executing a main task in adjusting of mutual relations of nature, people and technical progress.

DonNTU > Master's portal > Abstract