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Levchenko Nina

Levchenko Nina

Faculty: Mining and Geological

Speciality: Land management and cadastre

Theme of master's work:

Investigation of the problems of rational usage of agricultural lands

Scientific adviser: Andolenko Svetlana

Materials on the theme of master's work: About author

Summary of research and developments


For the first time during long period population even in the most developed countries has felt lack of qualitative foodstuff. World agriculture will have to rebuild itself in order to overcome crisis. Of course this rebuilding can effect and on Ukraine because it has considerable massifs of fertile lands but very badly developed agricultural manufacture.
Ukraine possesses by 42 mln hectares of agricultural lands, from which 32 mln are tillages. But in spite of huge potential and rich black earth in Ukraine there is disastrously low crop-producing power.
In modern conditions of development of scientific and technical progress and market relationships, which are characterized by steadfast price growth on energy-supplies and by development of information technologies, application of new methods is extremely necessary for efficient agricultural production.

The urgency of the research

On the contemporary stage taking into consideration the influence of economic and financial crises issue of practical problem solving of self-sufficiency by foodstuff becomes one of the fundamental tasks in providing of national security.
In modern conditions application of new technologies are extremely essential for efficient agricultural production.

The purpose of the research

The purpose of the work is – to investigate the advantages of progressive technologies in agricultural production.

Idea of the work

Idea of the work concludes in efficiency detection of usage of progressive technologies in agricultural production in Ukrainian conditions.  

The main tasks of the research

1. Investigation and analysis of existent progressive methods of agriculture.
2. Study of other countries’ experience regarding application of agricultural progressive technologies.
3. Calculation of economic and ecological effect from usage of progressive methods of agriculture by the example of Ukrainian agricultural enterprise.
4. Proposals development concerning implementation of progressive technologies regarding agricultural production in Ukraine.

The subject of the research

Progressive technologies of agricultural production are the subject of the current investigation.

The object of the research

The object of the research is agricultural production as the most impotent link of food supply security, saving and increase of soil fertility, reduction of net cost on the goods of agricultural production. 

Scientific novelty

Scientific novelty of a master’s work consists of systematic approach to the saving and increasing of the soil fertility and reduction of net cost on the goods of agricultural production thanks to application of progressive methods of agriculture for the purpose of food supply security of Ukraine. 

Practical importance of obtained results

Theoretical study, analysis and generalization, study of other counties experience in this field, calculation of economic and ecological effect from the use of the progressive agricultural methods in the Ukrainian conditions, which are contained in the work, are directed toward the application under the state strategy generation concerning transformation of agriculture and implantation of progressive methods of agriculture in it.

The approbation of the research

Work’s results were reported at the conference devoted to the Day of Science on Geographic and Informatics and Geodesy department on May 14, 2009.

Survey of the researches and workings on topic

A lot of foreign researches and researchers of our country pay their attention to the problem of rational usage of agricultural lands, to implantation of various progressive technologies of agriculture into agricultural production.
In 1899 in Kiev "A new system of agriculture" written by practical agronomist, Ivan Ovsinskiy, was published in a small circulation. In this book he wrote about the results of profound and perspective researches and he appealed to cultivate the land not more than 5 cm in depth according the system, which was named as inarable tilling, the essence of the matter consists in refusal from mechanical, use of mulch from stubble remains, use of green manures, correct use of crop rotation. This system of agriculture reproduces nature mechanisms of soil self-regulation. 20 years ago Russian scientists such as D.I. Mendeleev and P.A. Kostychev disclosed the role of organic mulch on the surface of the field and it was already then that they considered the tilling without the soil layer rotation to be not necessary at all used by agrotechnical method.
40 years later after publishing I.E. Ovsyanskiy’s sensational work, Edward Folkner - American farmer from Ohio state - proceed along the path of Russian scientist. Edward Folkner is one of the originators of the reducing and organic agriculture in the USA.
Our contemporary Fedor Morgun and of course quite a number of patriotic and foreign scholars state a fact that during last eighty years tillage has led to double-ply reduction of humus content in the soil.
The next problem which is also very topical in Ukrainian steppes is lack of moisture in the soil. In the traditional style this problem is solved whereby creation of land reclamation project with the future solid water fills. Apart from irrational use of organic quantity of water recourses it also leads to salinization of soil. On the present moment round the whole world trickle irrigation is applied. A lot of researchers paid a great attention to the issue of application of trickle irrigation in agricultural production in their works. They prove that this system of watering is the most efficient nowadays. Specifically the research of Ivan Nesterenko under the title “Watersaving elements of tomatoes cultivation technology under trickle irrigation”, the research of Victor Shlyakhov called “Alternative elements technology of potatoes cultivation under trickle irrigation in the conditions of arid zone of Nizhnee Povolzhie” show the effectiveness of trickle irrigation use in order to cultivate tomatoes and potatoes.

The main content of the work

1. Historical references about the agricultural systems which were applied in Ukraine.
2. Inarable tillage.
3. Trickle irrigation.
4. Definite agriculture is one of the modern directions in resource-saving agriculture.
5. Estimation of the influence of economic and ecological effect from the applying of analyzable progressive systems in agricultural production. 
7. Conclusion about the most acceptable agricultural systems in the conditions of Ukrainian agrarian segment and development of proposals regarding implementation of the progressive technologies into agricultural production in Ukraine.


The process of implementation of irarable system of tillage is the process of breaking of habitual stereotype, change of psychology of rural experts and managers, it is the process of advocacy of new agricultural philosophy. Their cost is the determinal factor of trickle irrigation implementation. The results of the implementation of the exact agriculture depends substantially on registration of machines for serial production in order to fertilize the soil differentially using the fixed on them optical (or any other) devices of agrochemical analysis.

Important note

At writing of the given abstract of thesis work is not yet completed. Final completion: December 2009. The complete text of work and materials on a theme can be got at an author or at a leader after the indicated date.


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2. Гасик Т. Великая аграрная революция [Электронный ресурс] / Сайт "Финляндский торговый путь", -
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4. Адамчук В.В., Мойсеенко В.К. Точное земледелие - существо и технические проблемы // Тракторы и сельскохозяйственные машины. - 2003. - №8 [Электронный ресурс] / Сайт "Автомаш", -
5. Капельное орошение [Электронный ресурс] / Сайт ЗАО "Мурашка", -
6. Передовая технология сельского хозяйства [Электронный ресурс] / Сайт Союза ирригаторов Украины, -
7. Сологуб Ю., Андрюшко А. Маленькие капли - большая прибыль // Агроогляд. - 2003 [Электронный ресурс] / Сайт "АПК-Информ: овощи & фрукты", -
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10. Технология точного земледелия – земледелие XXI века [Электронный ресурс] / Сайт "Информагро", -

About author