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Levchenko Nina

Levchenko Nina

Faculty: Mining and Geological

Speciality: Land management and cadastre

Theme of master's work:

Investigation of the problems of rational usage of agricultural lands

Scientific adviser: Andolenko Svetlana


Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

About myself:

Middle mark in the period of studies at the university is 4,85. I master Ukrainian and Russian languages. I know English in a volume which is sufficient for reading and correspondence. I have an experience of operating in the program systems: AutoCad, Digitals, Mathcad, ArcView, MapInfo, Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Word), know such program languages: Delphi SQL, Pascal.

Short biography:


I was born in Amvrosyevka town, Donetsk region on October 27, 1986. My mother, Levchenko Ljudmila Petrovna, is from Volynskiy region by birth, and my dad, Levchenko Alexander Semenovych, is from Donetsk region. Parents live in Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region now. Mother works in PO «Khartsyzskteploset'», dad - in OAS «Khartsyzskiy trubniy zavod». I am an only child in the family. My preschool childhood passed in Vorkuta town in the north of Russia. Parents moved to Vorkuta after my birth. I still remember the polar night, severe frosts, poor vegetation of tundra, short summer with long-awaited green grass and even unpretentious simple to severe frosts - dandelions. I still remember frequent flights from Russia to Ukraine and also back. We flew southward to the sea with gladness, when long-awaited vacation have come to parents. I like to travel and now. I was a very curious child. I learned to read and write early. I did correspondences to grandmothers on Ukraine, when I was five years old.


I went to the first class in Ukrainian-language school in Volynskiy region. I studied at it during three years. I love Ukrainian language until now. I went to school č25 in Khartsyzsk then. I studied at the school for «excellent» marks. I have praiseworthy deeds for excellent studies. I participated and took prize seats in city olympiads in Ukrainian and Russian languages, history, geography, biology, economics. I wrote research work about life and creation of Lesya Ukrainka, visited her native village. I took the 1st seat with this work in town. I was engaged in dances, attended school of models «Podium», was engaged in chemistry in the Small academy of sciences on chemistry deeply in schools years. I have been graduated from school with a golden medal in 2004.


I have applied for specialities in DonNU (Donetsk National University) and DonNTU (Donetsk National Technical University) after graduating exams. But I chose the speciality «Organization of the use of land and cadastre» (the Departament of Geoinformatics and Geodesy of Mining and Geological Faculty of DonNTU). On my choice has influenced the actuality of this speciality at the beginning of land market progress, its demand on labor market and also the unusual name which supposed interesting studies. I lived in a dormitory No 7 of DonNTU in the period of studies in university. This dormitory can be called school of life, an inoculation before entering independent life. I passed all exams in summer of 2008 for «excellent» grade and got the diploma of Bachelor by direction «Geodesy, cartography and organization of the use of land». I continued studies on the program of master's degree. I passed production practice in the Donetsk regional branch of SE «Center of State Land Cadastre at the State Committee for Land Resources of Ukraine» after the IV course. The theme of my master's degree work: «Investigation of the problems of rational usage of agricultural lands». My research supervisor is an associate professor, candidate of engineering sciences Andolenko Svetlana Stepanovna. My anxious attitude towards land influenced on the choice of the theme of my master's degree work. My grandmothers live in countryside. And I have observed the labour on land from childhood. This labour is hard, but it is very low-valued. Wonderful fertile land is in Ukraine. But productivity is catastrophically low. I'm fascinated with the Chinese art of Fen-Shui. I adore travelling, visiting beautiful places of Ukraine. I travel to Volyn' every summer. I like gathering mushrooms and berries in a forest and enjoy beautiful landscape. I like reading at free time. My favourite writers are F.M. Dostoevskiy, M.A. Sholohov, N.V. Gogol.

Plans for future

I want to defend my master's degree work on «excellent» grade. I want to find job which will fully uncover my creative and labour potential and will allow to perfect myself as a specialist and to get spiritual and material satisfaction. I dream about travelling more, and also I want to get a driving license.

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