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Master of DonNTU Sergey Malikov

Sergey Malikov

Faculty: Mining and Geological

Department: Geodesy and Geo-information

Speciality: Land management and cadastre

Theme of master's work:


Research of technologies of designing water protection areas and coastal sanitary protection zones

Scientific adviser: K. Germonova

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Average mark in the period of studies in the university is 4.94. I have excellent knowledge of Russian and Ukrainian languages. I have good written and oral skills in English. I have an experience in the software products of ArcView, AutoCAD, Digital, MapInfo, MathCad, Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word), can work with Pascal, Delphi, HTML, SQL. I am carried away by planning of business and prognostication, by management of projects, sport (swimming), picture. Personal qualities: optimism, good sense of humor, sense of purpose. Professional skills: responsibility, sociability, quickly training unfamiliar work.

Brief biography:


I was born in Donetsk on June, 8th, 1987. My father, S.V. Malikov, 1955, finished the institute of construction and architecture on a speciality «Industrial and civil construction». My mother, E.M. Malikova, 1955, finished mathematical faculty of Donetsk national university. My brothers: V.A. Kal’yanov, 1977, is the economist by, and E.S. Malikov, 1981, is also the economist. I was the silent and modest child in the childhood. The brightest memoirs from the childhood are connected with joint trips with parents to Crimea, the North Ossetia, etc. places. The love to the travel, that was arisen in the childhood, has been remained till now.


In 1993 I went to the first class of school #2 of Donetsk with profound studying of English language. Study was given easily (special successes were on English language, mathematics), I took part in all school actions, presentations. In summer I usually went to have a rest to Crimea and in Schurovo. I had time to be engaged in various kinds of sports: swimming, the big tennis, a judo (where I reached considerable successes, acted at competitions, occupied prize-winning places), and also chess, besides study. Also I had been visiting a course of PC in Donetsk regional Palace of children's and youthful creativity by three years. In 2001 my parents had learnt about Donetsk G.A.Shtejna's college. This educational institution differs from secondary schools by the preparation level, the relation of teachers to students; studies in this college reminds studies at university. In same 2001 I entered the college after successful passing the entrance examinations in mathematics and Ukrainian language. My studies were in group with profound studying of economy. I repeatedly took part in the competitions on English language, algebra and geometry, occupied prize-winning places, visited the organized by teachers of a college English camp. I had graduated from the 11th form with honours.

The University

In 2004 I entered the Donetsk national technical university to the speciality «Land management and cadastre». At that moment I didn’t know what the name of my speciality meant and what special subjects I would have to master. However, I had never regretted about the choice further, despite the complexity of the training. I earned the right to receive the grant after each session, it was often a scholarship. I took part in the stipendial program of Pinchuk’s fund "Zavtra.UA" on the 4th course, had got new acquaintances and invaluable experience. I had ended training under the program of the bachelor in a direction «Geodesy, cartography and land management» with the red diploma in summer 2008, then I had entered the master courses. I was receiving an experience working by my speciality on industrial practice in the Municipal enterprise «Donetsk city ground resources» at Donetsk city council during 3 months after 4 courses of studies. I had got not only practical skills, but also new friends thanks to the practice. On May, 22nd, 2009 I had successfully came out with the paper by my master’s work on the conference devoted to Day of the Science on chair «Geoinformatics and a geodesy». Now I am training on the 5th course in a magistracy of DonNtU. Study at university had not prevented me to finish the driving school successfully and to receive a driving license of a category “B” in 2007. In 2008 I had entered the Makeevka economic-humanitarian institute to a speciality "Finance" to obtain the second higher education. I consider that it is necessary for modern person to have, at least, two high educations: technical and economic. In 2008 I had obtained a rank of the second lieutenant of a stock of Armed forces of Ukraine (military chair at DonNTU).

About plans

I am going to pass courses on preparation of the expert of a monetary estimation of immovable property, to get the certificate in the near future. In December, 2009 I am going to defend the master’s dissertation with high distinction.

© DonNTU 2009 S. Malikov

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