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master of DonNTU Pavlov Alexander

Pavlov Alexander

Faculty: Mining and Geological

Department: Geodesy and Geo-information

Speciality: organization of the use of land and cadastre

Theme of master's work:

Research of technology of three-dimensional cadastre in other countries with the purpose of introduction in Ukraine

Scientific adviser: Germonova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


My average grade for period of studying in at university was 4.79 (from 5, where “5” is highest rate). I speak Russian and Ukrainian freely. I know technical English freely. Sometimes I write programs on Delphi, AutoLisp. I have skills in ArcView, AUTOCAD, Delta (Digitals), MapInfo, MathCad, programs of Microsoft Office. Work with Database Desktop, Interbase, SQL. I like to test new programs. I enjoy the tourism and mountain-skiing. I am interested in photographing.


I was born on April, 17, 1987 in Donetsk city. I have remarkable parents: dad - Pavlov Victor Nikolaevich, by education is an engineer-mechanic, mother - Pavlova Irene Nikolaevna, by education an engineer is a surveyor. I like to read very march from little up.


I began to go to school in seven years. I was a diligent student at school. I entered Donetsk Lyceum «Intellect» in the ninth form.


I made a decision to choose a speciality «Land development and cadastre» in a 11-th form. The speciality was new and perspective. I have received the Bachelor's degree and have entered on a Master's Degree Progranmme in 2008. Germonova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna is the head of my masters thesis. I have chosen the following theme of my Master's works «Research of technology of a three-dimensional cadastre». I think that this theme is very actual at present time. My speciality «Land development and cadastre» is pleasant to me very much.

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