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Porfilenko Viktoriya

Porfilenko Viktoriya

Faculty: mountain-geological
Speciality: an engineering geodesy

Theme of master's work:

Research of a question of an establishment of water security zones for the purpose of improvement of existing technologies

Scientific adviser: Germonova Ekaterina

About author


Aсtuality of theme. One of major human rights, proclaimed Constitution of Ukraine, there is a right on a favourable environment. However to carry out this right becomes all more difficult, and the global problem of contamination and exhaustion of natural resources acquires especially sharp forms in our country. Reasons are covered that in the consumer attitude saved until now toward nature.

A happy environment is impossible without the normal state of the landed and water resources. Thus an important role is played by a guard and correct use of both water resources and attended and being in a permanent contact with them of the vodopokrytykh and privodnykh earths.

Such lot lands presented an economic value since olden times. From high material well-being water they were by the most productive lands, were comfortable for a transport and town-planning

In this connection there are questions of increase of efficiency of the operating legal mode of these earths and ways of his possible improvement.

A primary objective is is the rational and effective use of off-shore territories of cities, taking into account creation and maintenance of friendly to the residence of man environment. Thus, question of building and land-tenure priberezhnykh territory is not simple, he requires development of method of ground and establishment of bank-protection area, research and making alteration in a normative-legislative base.


Scientific meaningfulness of work. A scientific novelty is expressed in the following: - earths of water fund are provided by safety and rational use of water resources, and also needed for education and adjusting of rukotvornykh water objects; -not all earths of water objects (bottom and banks) must and can be included in the complement of earths of water fund; -there is a necessity of correct determination of scopes of water objects, and also the explained determination of areas of bank-protection areas and off-shore defences zonal;


So that exactly to set graicy of bank-protection and off-shore protective areas it is necessary to execute engineer-hydrographical works which plug in itself: - Creation of supporting geodesic networks; - Topographical survey of priberezhnoy part of dry land. As be obvious from normative and legislative documents establishment of all waterproof bars begins from a boundary path water level, I.e. minimum water level in a water object. Uncorrectly to use existent topographical material for establishment of waterproof scopes, because there are large errors with the real situation on locality. In this work it is planned to develop a method on establishment of optimum boundary path water level.

Attention!!! This work is in the stage of development. Final results will be in December of 2009.


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