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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Radetskaya Irina
Radetskaya Irina

The faculty of Geology

The Department of minerals and ecological geology

The Major in geological survey, reconnaissance and exploration

The Theme of the thesis work:

“The coal beds’ gas content of the field in Dzerzhinskiy mine”

The scientific adviser: Professor Volkova Tatyana Petrovna

Materials on the theme of master's work: About myself



3.1 Rakes bedding depth
3.2 Tectonics
3.3 Petrographic composition
3.4 Coal metamorphism
4.1 Calculation of the gas methane reserves in the coal rakes


Urgent Problem

The level of the solution of scientific and technical tasks concerning the condition evaluation of the rock massif, determines considerably the coal production cost, the labor capacity and efficiency.
The above stated pointed out a high topicality of the estimation of the gas content of the coal beds according to the geological surveyance results that has a great scientific and practical importance.
The miners are always followed by the detonating gas methane which is their main enemy. The most dangerous mines in central Donbass are situated in the following cities: Yenakiyevo, Gorlovka, Dzerzhinsk. Dzerzhinskyy’s mine in Dzerzhinsk town is also in such list of hazardous mines.[1]

The aim of the research work is to investigate the gas content of the coal beds of F.Ye.Dzerzhinskyy’s Mine and to define the natural factors that set conditions for their local distribution in coal-bearing series.

The basic tasks of the researches:

  • To analyze the differences in geological field structure of F.Ye.Dzerzhinskyy’s Mine in comparison with the other non dangerous mines which could cause the gas-dynamic instability in coal-bearing series;
  • To examine the complex of factors that result the gas content of coal-bearing series;
  • To investigate the existing evaluation methods of geological recourses of the methane making choice of the optimal one for the given conditions.
  • The research object

    Coal-bearing series of field of F.Ye.Dzerzhinskyy’s Mine

    The research subject

    Gas content of coal beds.

    Methods of researches:

  • theoretical processing of the existing information related to the assigned tasks ;
  • generalization of the results of geological prospecting survey of F.Ye.Dzerzhinskyy’s Mine;
  • statistical processing of the results of the laboratory research;
  • estimate of methane resources.
  • Scientific novelty of the derived results:

  • the information about factors that have impact on gas content of coal-bearing series of the acting mine is generalized and analyzed.
  • the evaluation method of geological resources of methane in coal-bearing series is improved.
  • 1 Investigation condition of the matter

    The problem of gas content of the beds of Donetsk basin and its separate mine fields is examined in the researches of G.D.Lidin and I.M.Pechuk executed in 1943- 1946. It’s discussed there the gas zonality and the influence of some geological factors to the gas distribution in coal beds. The materials for conclusions and arguments of theses authors were mainly the data of gas content of mine working of the acting mines.[3]

    2 Geologikal sektions

    In geological structure of the field in the mine named after Dzerzhinsky participate suites sediments С42, С52 , С62, С72 и С13of the middle and upper carbon stages, overlapped by the cover of quaternary sediments with thickness up to 15 m.
    In structural-tectonically terms the area under evaluation occupies extreme north-west part of the South wing of the Main Donbass anticline. Strike of the rocks on the area is comparatively balanced in azimuth 308-310° with drastic changes up to 340° near the western boundary.
    Strike of the rocks is complicated by two large oversteps – the Main one and Artyomovskiy, limiting the area under evaluation in the northwest and southeast respectively.[2]

    3 Evaluation of influence of the gas content factors of the coal rake

    3.1 Rakes bedding depth

    In the field of the mine named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky like in others deposits and basins methane content of the coal rocks logic increase with growth of the stratigraphic and absolute depth of their bedding is observed. In view of the results of these researches and also in accord with individual authentic definitions of ГКН (gas-condensate accumulation) diagrams of gas content dependence from the depth of the bedding were constructed. (fig.1)[3]
    Diagrams allow to trace the common tendency of the coal methane content growth with the depth of their bedding and increase of the metamorphism degree. Consequently, coal rakes bedding depth is an important gas content factor of the coal-bearing rock mass.

    Diagram of gas content dependence from the depth of the bedding    (animation, delay-150;9 kadrov;8 reiterations; 139кБ)

    Fig.1 Diagram of gas content dependence from the depth of the bedding (animation, delay-150;9 kadrov;8 reiterations; 139кБ)

    3.2 Tectonics

    Tectonic structure has an important significance in gas distribution in deposits boundaries.[4] Local displacements, connected to methane zone and having no outlet to the surface, as a rule are favorable for free gas accumulation in cracks, accompanying this dislocation. (Fig.2)
    The field of the mine named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky has complex tectonic structure. In connection with this on the area under description the development of crack zones in arc parts of the positive structures is possible and also of zones, accompanying the disjunctives of the faulting and uplifting characters.

    At the picture the map of СН4 spreading over the region is shown. Maximum content CH4 is observed in the north part of the map, (18 м3/t), minimum one – in the rest part of the map.
    Maximum of the methane spreading is connected to the fracture: Artyomovskiy overstep.

    3.3 Petrographic composition

    The influence of the petrographic composition on the coal methane content on the field of the mine named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky becomes apparent in changing of coal grade composition, methane content of which increases as far as the fusinite increases in gas, fat and coke coals. [6]

    3.4 Coal metamorphism

    Coal metamorphism is one of the main factors, defining the modern gas content of the coal rakes. With the increase of the coal metamorphism degree their sorption gas capacity continuously grows and reaches maximum values in anthracites. Gases migration goes on more intensively through coal rakes, piled by the coal of grades Ж, Г and ОС, which is the main factor of gas content forecast for the coal mine named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. [8,9]

    4 Evaluation of the methane concentration on the field of the mine named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky

    4.1 Calculation of the gas methane reserves in the coal rakes.

    The calculation of the methane reserves at the stage of appraisal and revaluation of reserves was not executed. After the analysis and data reinterpretation of gas sampling by the authors the calculation of the gas methane reserves in coal rakes and rakes grist was held in accord with existing requirements.[5]
    As per coal rakes in work where coal reserves were evaluated it was held per figures of coal reserves calculation with the evaluation of methane reserves per category C2 independent of categorizing of coal reserves. At that, as the basis the evaluation of coal reserves in accord with the report of 1973/1is taken.
    At the present moment the methane captured by the mine is not used.


    Gas content unlike others geologic indications of coal factors of deposits is the most changeable parameter, being the subject to influence of the very many geologic factors. [10]
    In the present work examined and find out geologic factors, which are the direct signs of gas content. The most significant factor of the gas content forecast for the field of the mine under investigation is the bedding depth, tectonic structure and coal rakes metamorphism.


    1.Пояснительная записка шахты им. Дзержинского – общие сведения.-1973 г.

    2.Степоненко Н.В., Козлова А.Е., Омельченко Л.И. Отчет о детальной разведке пластов угля на поле шахты им. Дзержинского.- 1973 г.

    3.Единая методика прогнозирования горно-геологических условий разработки угольных пластов. -Ленинград: ВНИМИ, 1982. -30с.

    4.Методическое руководство по оценке ресурсов углеводородных газов угольных месторождений как попутного полезного ископаемого – М.: Мингео СССР, 1988.

    5.Інструкція по підрахунку запасів та оцінці ресурсів газу (метану) вугільних родовищ України за результатами геологорозвідувальних робіт. Проект. – Київ: Держком природних ресурсів України, 2005. СОУ 10.1.00174088.001-2004 Дегазація вугільних шахт. Вимоги до способів та схем дегазації. – Київ, 2005. – 163 с.

    6. Инструкция по определению и прогнозу газоносности угольных пластов и вмещающих пород при геологоразведочных работах. - Москва,1977.- 95с.

    7. Зайденварг В.Е., Айруни А.Т., Галазов Р.А., Брижанева А.М., Петрова Ю.Э. Перспективы промышленной добычи метана из угольных пластов.- Москва,1995.-104с.

    8.Зайденварг В.Е., Айруни А.Т., Галазов Р.А., Брижанева А.М., Петрова Ю.Э. Комплексная разработка метаноносных угольных месторождений.-Москва,1993.-142с.

    9. Газоносность http://fgtu.donntu.ru/fm/1999-1/13.htm

    10. Янко С.В. Итоги работы угольной промышленности за 1997 г. и задачи на 1998 г.// Уголь Украины. - 1998. - № 1. - С. 14-17.

    About myself