Master of Donetsk National Technical University Yeremeevich Victoria

Victoria Yeremeevich

Mining and geological faculty

Speciality: Technology and engineering of investigation of deposits of minerals

Theme of master's work:

Improvement of gidraulic hammer boring shells for the boring drilling of mining holes on a shelf

Scientific adviser: the associate professor Karakozov Arthur

About myself:

an academic average greade during the period of studying at University is 4.98. I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently. I know English in the scope which is enough to read and to be in correspondence. I have an experience with such program packages as: Microsoft Office; Kompas; by programming languages: Pascal, Delphi; with the graphic editor Photoshop. Hobbies: music, reading of books, collect aphorisms. I like watching football.

Short biography:


I was born on 3 September 1987 in Makeevka city of the Donetsk region. Parents: dad Yeremeevich Alexander , was born in 1957, works as an electrician, mother Yeremeevich Irina, was born in 1964, works as an book-keeper. My sister Marina was born in 1984. In childhood walked in the kindergarten «Zhuravushka», was a quiet, calm child and dreamed to become a teacher.


In 1994 I went to the first class of school ¹ 62. The first 3 classes of the special aspiration to the studies at me were not present, but I studied well, for what thank you to the parents and my first teacher. From a fifth class to study it became more interesting. My favourite objects were mathematics, Russian literature and informatics. Repeatedly took part in municipal competitions on mathematics. Participated in preparation of festive concerts. In higher forms attended school of young mathematicians. In 2004 I finished school with honours and got a medal.

Special gratitude to my class leader Remyzova Ljubov Ivanovna and teacher of mathematics to Trofymova Nina Vladimirovna for that they always supported me and helped.


With the choice of university was a determined not at once, therefore submitted document in a few educational establishments: Donetsk national university (mathematical faculty), Donetsk national technical university. In the total I entered on the mining and geological faculty DonNTU, speciality is «Technology and engineering of investigation of deposits of minerals», about what spare no drop. Our group appeared friendly and merry. On the second course I became the head of group, took part in an competition on resistance of material and got a diploma. From a fourth course I take part in scientific conferences, competitions. In 2008 I passed state examination on specialty with an excellent mark and had a bachelor's degree diploma. I decided to continue the further study at the magistrates.

In March 2009 «Oil and gas industry» in a nomination got a diploma for the concerned 3th place in Allukrainian competition of the student advanced studies in industry boring «Drilling of mining holes, booty, transport and saving of oil and gas», which was conducted in Ivano-Frankovsk.

Theme of my master's degree work: «Improvement of gidraulic hammer boring shells for the boring drilling of mining holes on a shelf». Scientific leader: dean of mining and geological faculty, the associate professor Karakozov Arthur.

Plans on the future

After ending of university, it was desirable, to find job proper to my education. Also I want to get the second higher education.

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