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Master of DonNTU Irzhanskiy Vladimir Irzhanskiy Vladimir

Faculty Computer Information Technologies and Automatics
Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks
Theme of master's work:
Research and optimization of the characteristics of high-speed CDMA 2000 data network
Scientific adviser: Bessarab Vladimir

About me

  Average mark at the period of education has made 4.9. I finished Mariupol city lyceum, on physical-mathematical specialization; also I have red diploma of Donetsk National Technical University's bachelor on specialization "Telecommunication system and nets". I'm fluent in Russian and Ukrainian, my English is enough for reading technical documentations with the dictionary. I have the skills to work with operating systems Windows9x/XP, Package Kompas 3D 5.11, System View, Microwave Office, Packet Tracer, Algorithm Builder, NetCracker Professional 4.0, MS Visio. I know programming languages C ++, Borland Pascal. I like different kinds of sports: from the struggle and football to chess and poker.


  I was born 7 July 1987 in the city of Mariupol Donetsk region. My father - an engineer of Donetsk Railway, the mother - a pharmacist, older sister graduated from Zaporozhe State University at the Department of Economics. When I was 3 years, I went to kindergarten, which was near our house. So fun and carelessly passed the following 3 years of my life. But then I learned that we are moving into a new apartment, which was in another area of the city. A new apartment - the new home, new children's garden (new road has already taken much more time) and new friends. It was a great stress to the fragile child's organism in the best sense of the word. In kindergarten, I differ a great physical activity and showed an interest in math and logical games.


  It is time to go to the first grade. First, I well remember the way to school. Then we started to learn to paint beautiful figures that I have not liked. But in the future, things went better. I want to thank my first teacher Varvara A Vorobyova, which had laid in my faith in my strength and desire to conquer new heights. Up to 9 years, I grew up an energetic child, but the health and physical strength is not significantly different. But once a man of average height in a sports suit went to my school and said that he was a sports coach. His name was Denissenko Peter Savvich and he was a children coach for a Greco-Roman wrestling. And it was decisive in the next half of my life ... In the future, I have had success in sport and in school. I have also been many other sports, and in eighth grade, I also have certificates and awards in competitions of a good dozen of sports from football to chess and orienteering. After graduating from 8 th grade school I had to choose: to begin to engage in the struggle for a more professional level or to make life bet on their brains. The choice was given a second option in the 14 years I went to Mariupol city lyceum in the group with a physical-mathematical bias. I liked from childhood the exact sciences, and especially in math, so the initial choice was only between economics and physics. Learning in the new place was difficult and interesting. In the Lyceum was collected intellectual elite of the city, and was pleased to feel involved in this. Also I would like to acknowledge the excellent work of teachers, have laid a solid foundation, which was helpful when the universities and is suitable for first courses.


  After 3 years should have been determined with a place to continue their studies. I walked in I immediately 3 University: Donetsk National Technical University, Zaporozhye State University and the Donbas National Academy of Building Construction and Architecture. Thanks Lyceum preparation, I did without much difficulty at all 3 institutions. Originally I wanted to come in Zaporizhiyan University, but I do not like their level examinations. And I continued training in Donetsk. Selected more by chance, I always liked new technology, and the name of Telecommunication network and it seemed quite interesting and promising. In the study, I had a hard start. First, get the fours, but for the second course, felt the strength to learn better. While studying at university was a 3 place university's teem which I took a part in All-Ukrainian competition "The professionals of future" organized by "MTC" company (May, 2008). There I was involved with the team DonNTU. I want to say thanks to everyone who helped us - our teachers, Vladimir I. Bessarab, Il'ya V. Degtyarenko, Aleksandr G. Voroncov. During the summer of 2008 I passed the bachelor examination and entered the master's programs in the budget. A month later, I finished the military department with DonNTU and given the title of reserve officers (Jr. Lt.) air defense troops ST MAT.    

Future plans

  Firstly I want to complete my master's degree with best mark. Then I want to find occupation with a big salary. I would also like to tour the whole world and get acquainted with the culture of different peoples of our planet. And I begin, perhaps, with East Asia ...

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