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Kusov Ruslan

Kusov Ruslan

Faculty: Computer information technologies and automation

Department of Automation and Telecommunication

Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks

Theme of master's work:

"Research and development of transmission access radio channel for modern telecommunications networks on basis of broadband wireless technology WiMAX"

Scientific adviser:
Professor Vorontsov Alexander Grigorevich

Summary of research and developments


Modern telecommunication networks, which use a radio channel for user’s access to network services, experience the stage of development. It is constantly developed, different wireless technologies are perfected and is inculcated. These circumstances determine direction of development of telecommunication technologies in the future.

New obstacles for development of all wireless technologies appear together with it. From basic problems it is possible to select the following:

1) Contamination of frequency resource in some ranges. As a result is swift growth of problems of electromagnetic compatibility of equipment, growth of number and mutual noise level.

2) Growth of competition among producers dictates new requirements to the parameters of receive/transmit equipment. Simplicity of realization must allow to produce the devices mass. At the same time, the equipment must becomes cheaper with the purpose of availability to most number of users.

For this reason all producers of equipment have to search new methods for the decision of these problems.

The analysis of structure of highways of reception-transmission and treatment of information of the modern radio engineering systems allows to select their basic elements - amplifiers of radio frequency signals. The communication networks of the IEEE 802.16 - WiMAX standard are the perspective application domain of amplifiers of radio frequency signals. This standard develops in a whole world, more than 200 companies with the world name are the producers of equipment for WiMAX, which unite in WiMAX-forum. The requirement of high linear and coefficient of efficiency of amplifying cascades is the important feature of the WiMAX technology. The special attention is rendered to the amplifiers for the receive/transmit, in connection with more hard requirements to them from the side of modern communication networks.

The modern stage of development of wireless technologies requires the control of the Tx power. This is important both for the equipment of the base stations and for the mobile terminals of the WiMAX standard which foresees the dynamic management by modulation, by launch power and channel width within the limits of 1.5-20 Mhz depending on the terms of transmission environment. Decisions existing today, and which are founded, for example, on technology of logarithmic amplifiers (LA) [1], allow only to limit power of radio frequency signal, instead of dynamically manage it. Thus, there is the problem of absence of universal decision for the simultaneous management by launch power of amplifiers and channel width.

Purpose of work

Increase of functionality of Tx power amplifiers for the wireless networks WiMAX due to realization in the algorithm of management by them joint management by the level of launch power and channel width, depending on the required of quality.

Basic tasks of master's degree work

Development and the simulation of the amplifiers of the transmitting circuit of the radio systems of access. Defining concretely the tasks of project it is possible to isolate the following subtasks:

  • the substantiation of the possibility of using the cascades with the general base in the schematics of the radio-frequency amplifiers of standard IEEE 802.16;

  • construction and the simulation narrow-banded amplification stages, intended for the use by in the range 2.4-2.483 GHz, with the possibility of effective control of the width of service band for the purpose of reaching by the cascade of the necessary operational characteristics;

  • proposal relative to the optimization of the characteristics of the amplification stage due to control of the parameters of the chains of agreement and introduction to negative feedback and to realization in the control algorithm of the amplifier of joint control of the level of output power and of passband.

  • Subject of research

    Power amplifier as the component part of the circuit of the transfer of the radio access of contemporary telecommunication networks on the basis of the wide-band wireless technology WiMAX.

    Object of research

    Research of the contemporary methods of control with the output power of signal and the width of the synthesized wide-band channel with the limitations to the linearity of response and the stability of the amplification stage.

    The urgency of research and the supposed scientific novelty

    The majorities of the contemporary decisions, including LA, are oriented toward sufficiently the complex, from the point of view of practical realization, and standardized methods. The approach of simultaneous width control of strip and coefficient of amplification due to the limitation of the input power of signal did not earlier adapt. The novelty of further research work consists in this. But the problem of the development of the technical solutions for control of the output power of amplifier and of the strip of communication channel is topical problem.

    At the same time, as the basis of development well-known methods are accepted. Using the approach of the improvement of the existing structures of the transmitting circuits, but a not constant introduction of fundamentally new developments, it is possible to substantial decrease the cost of final equipment which will in turn involve the expansions of the market for the allowed services and an increase in the number of users by these services. Today this task is immediate for many telecommunication companies.

    The general characteristic of the transmission channel

    Radio transmission channel equipment are intended for shaping of radio-frequency signals, their strengthening and subsequent transfer to the recipient. The overall structural diagram of the circuit of radio transmission channel can be presented as follows (figure 1) [2].

    Figure 1. The general characteristic of the transmission channel

    Figure 1. The general characteristic of the transmission channel

    Specifically, on the quality of the execution of power amplifiers depends the possibility of the realization of the concept of the synthesized wide-band channel, which consists of elementary narrow-band channels, i.e., the realization of principle OFDM. And therefore the subsequent study and design will be devoted precisely to the power amplifiers of the transmission channel of the wide-band wireless networks WiMAX.

    Survey of the developments and existing solutions

    Today there are many versions of the construction of the power amplifiers for the transmission channel of wide-band wireless SHF systems. Let us pause only at the popular and most common from these solutions [3].

    Power amplifier on the field-effect transistors for SHF is one of the most extended elements of radio transmitting equipment. Furthermore, they completely satisfy the requirements of the WiMAX standard. Consequently, the chart technology solution on the field-effect transistors from nitride of gallium is one of the versions of the construction for the power amplifiers of the circuits of the transfer of wide-band wireless SHF systems.

    At the same time, before the appearance of field-effect transistors in the composition of SHF devices widely were used bipolar transistors, in particular cascades with the general base (GB) and the general emitter (GE) (figure 2).

    Figure 2. Schematics of bipolar transistors in cascades with GE (a) and GB (b)

    Figure 2. Schematics of bipolar transistors in cascades with GE (a) and GB (b)

    GB-cascades are narrower-band, in comparison with the cascades with GE, and at the same time, in the strip of operating frequencies they are conditionally steady. To increase the margin of the stability of such cascades is possible, decreasing the gain factor to the stability limits, or using balance concatenation.

    The selection of the optimal chart technology solution of constructing the power amplifier depends on specific conditions and systems, for which is projected the amplifier. I.e., each of the solutions mentioned above can be used in practice. Therefore is necessary analysis and selection of optimal solution for designing the power amplifier for the transmission channel of the wide-band wireless networks WiMAX, to which are advanced the stringent requirements.

    It is necessary to note that the developments in this sector are carried out only by the abroad chief world company that produces equipment for the wireless telecommunication networks. In Ukraine questions of development and improvement of the existing power amplifier circuits for the WiMAX transmitting stations practically are not conducted. In DonNTU by this theme still no one was occupied.

    Construction synthesis of the power amplifiers for the transmission channel WiMAX

    From the developments in the sector of the low-noise super-linear amplifiers, which in particular are used for the signals with OFDM, are separated two basic chart technology solutions [5]. The first – is so-called “double measure” or Push-Pull- amplifiers (figure 3). The two-channel antiphase gain of signals with the subsequent association of the responses of subchannels in the output adder is the distinctive special feature of this chart technology concept. In this case the suppression of the highest parasitic harmonics in the spectrum of signal occurs. For shaping of antiphase signals at the entrance of amplifier is used special transformer “phase splitter”.

    Figure 3. Push-Pull amplifier

    Figure 3. Push-Pull amplifier

    The traditional configuration of amplifiers for the SHF-applications is also balance amplifier (figure 4). In it are used 90-degree spacing signal (at the entrance) and coupler (at the output) (loop directional coupler [2]).

    Figure 4. Balance amplifier

    Figure 4. Balance amplifier

    Both versions have practically identical characteristics, but for further work selection is made in favor balance amplifier, in view of its simpler practical realization.

    As the schematic of the substitution of transistor for the simulation of the amplification stage in the packet Microwave Office is selected the linear circuit of substitution. Final configuration - balance cascade with the general base. As the active circuit element is selected the transistor KT937A. This is the silicic transistor, which adapts for the power amplifiers, the frequency multipliers, and the self-excited oscillators of at frequencies 0.9-5 GHz. This transistor is selected for the design for several reasons. At first, is it correspondence to the advanced requirements, in particular to operating frequency 2.4 GHz. In the second place, presence of this transistor, which will make it possible to subsequently realize project in the prototype and to measure its objective parameters.

    For the linear simulation and designing the chains of agreement and loop directional couplers was used the space-model of transistor KT937A (figure 5). Space-model (equivalent circuit Dzhakoletto) - this is the equivalent linear model of transistor, with the aid of which it is possible to estimate the theoretical gain factor, the noise characteristics of transistor, and others. Into the composition of transistor amplifier enter active element (transistor), input and output line-building-out network, feed circuit and grid priming. Furthermore, real power amplifier can contain antiparasitic chains, elements of the stabilization of the regime of the work of transistor on the direct current. As the line-building-out network on entrance and output let us use multilink G-chains [2].

    Figure 5. Space-model of transistor KT937A

    Figure 5. Space-model of transistor KT937A

    The loop directional coupler (LDC) [6] is two sections of the transmission line, connected together by two or large number of trains, whose length is equal to quarter wavelength in the line (figure 6). Trains are connected to the line also at a distance of quarter wavelength in the line. With an increase in the number of trains the strip of operating frequencies is enlarged; however, with the number of trains of more than three wave drag of extreme trains become very large. This creates essential difficulties with the fulfillment of such LDC by the methods of integral technology; therefore in the practical devices the number of trains does not exceed three. From the quality of the execution LDC will depend on the characteristics of balance amplifier stage; therefore let us pause in greater detail at the technology of calculation and design of LDC.

    Figure 6. Loop directional coupler

    Figure 6. Loop directional coupler

    The double-stub directional coupler in this work is used. The procedure of its calculation is the following. The basic parameters of double-stub LDC, which are calculated with the design, are given on the scheme (figure 7).

    Figure 7. Loop directional coupler in Microwave Office 5.5

    Figure 7. Loop directional coupler in Microwave Office 5.5

    On the schemes:

    Формула сопротивления

    For calculating the circuit parameters we will use the following procedure [7]. The calculation of width micro-strip is conducted through the following formula:

    Формула расчёта

    where w - microstrip stub width

    Z – wave resistance;

    h – thickness of the substrate layer;


    – the dielectric constant of the substrate layer.

    The calculation of length microstip stub is performed through the simpler formula:

    Формула расчёта

    where L - length microstip stub;


    – the central wavelength, which will be extended in microstip stub;


    – the effective dielectric constant of the substrate layer.

    Формула расчёта

    Substituting in these formulas the parameters of the material of the base layer (flan) and the desired values of wave drag (Zs=50 Ohm, Zl=35,5 Ohm), we obtain the following parameters LDC:

    Формула расчёта

    From the obtained parameters it is realized the model of the double-stub directional coupler in the packet Microwave Office 5.5 (figure 8). Subsequently, the obtained diagram will be optimized for the purpose of the achievement of the necessary characteristics of agreement.

    Figure 8. Loop directional coupler in Microwave Office 5.5

    Figure 8. Loop directional coupler in Microwave Office 5.5

    As the optimization criterion comes out standing-wave ratio in line (SWR).

    Graphs SWR can be built by the standard means of the packet Of microwave Of office 5.5 [8]. Since S11= S22= S33= S44, it is expedient to give only one graph SWR, which was obtained after conducting of the optimization of the parameters of double-stub LDC (figure 9).

    Figure 9. Standing-wave ratio in LDC

    Figure 9. Standing-wave ratio in LDC

    As we can see from this graph, at the operating frequency of 2.4 GHz value SWR minimally and composes 1.004, what is sufficiently acceptable result, in view of the fact that this value must be close to 1.

    Consequently, the optimized parameters of double-stub LDC are following:

    Wl = 4,4 mm;

    Ws = 2,74 mm;

    Ll = 17,7 mm;

    Ls = 19 mm.

    The topological diagram of the designed double-stub LDC in full sized depicted in figure 10.

    Figure 10. Topological diagram of the designed double-stub LDC

    Figure 10. Topological diagram of the designed double-stub LDC

    For the total diagram of balance cascade with the input and output line-building-out network and the loop directional couplers it is necessary to obtain a maximally possible value S21 in the range of the frequencies of 2.4-2.483 GHz and is minimally possible S11 in the same range. As limitations they come out the permissible noise factor, and, that is the most important is the stability of cascade in the working frequency band. The results of simulation are given in figures 11- 13.

    Figure 11. Parameters S11 and S21 for power amplifier

    Figure 11. Parameters S11 and S21 for power amplifier

    It is possible to see on the obtained graphs that the gain factor (S21), which it was possible to reach at the operating frequency of 2.4 GHz it is equal to 10 dB. This satisfies the requirements stated earlier. The obtained value of reflection coefficient from the entrance (S11= - 41.73 dB) is also more than acceptable and testifies about the high degree of the agreement of amplifier on entrance.

    Figure 12. Noise factor for power amplifier

    Figure 12. Noise factor for power amplifier

    In figure 12 depicted noise characteristics. As we see, at the frequency of 2.4 GHz the value of noise factor is equal to 1.541 dB, what is acceptable value for the amplifiers of this class.

    Figure 13. Stability factor for power amplifier

    Figure 13. Stability factor for power amplifier

    In figure 12 depicted noise characteristics. As we see, at the frequency of 2.4 GHz the value of noise factor is equal to 1.541 dB, what is acceptable value for the amplifiers of this class. Figure 13 gives basic (k) stability factor. The amplifier stage is considered as the unconditionally steady, when the value of this parameter is the following: k>1. As we can see from the graphs, this condition is satisfied (k=1.007 at the operating frequency of 2.4 GHz), but it at the same time stored up stability is extremely small. Consequently, cascade will be considered steady only with qualitative fulfilling of the chains of agreement.

    The basic obtained results and future research

    With a change in the parameters of the chains of agreement (length and the width of microstrip lines), and also with an attempt at control of the feedback of cascade was established the dependence of a simultaneous change in the width of frequency characteristic (df) and gain factor of cascade (ku) in the dependence on the variable parameters and the mode of operation of active element - transistor (figure 14).

    Figure 14. Dependence of a simultaneous change in the width of frequency characteristic (df) and gain factor of cascade (ku)

    Figure 14. Dependence of a simultaneous change in the width of frequency characteristic (df) and gain factor of cascade (ku). Animation consists of 8 frames with the delay 70 ms between frames; delay before repeat is 70 ms; the number of reproduction cycles is limited by the 7th. Animation was made in Adobe ImageReady 7.0.1

    This property became the new object of experiment, since its practical application will help in achieving of goal set earlier. But control of the regime of the work of transistor can lead to worsening in the nonlinear properties of amplifier and are set limitations on the possibility of such a control. But not only nonlinear distortions set limitations on control of the parameters of driver amplifier. There is an interrelation between the maximum gain factor and the stability factor of cascade. For the developed driver amplifier this problem is immediate, taking into account that cascade is realized according to common-base circuit, which is conditionally steady. The range of adjustment is limited in view of the reasons indicated.

    In view of the limitations presented, for further studies is proposed the version of control of the output power of signal with the simultaneous dynamic estimation of the gain factor and the determination of the ranges of adjustment of input power. For the practical realization of this control use by one of the following diagrams is proposed (figure 15).

    Figure 15. Power amplifier diagrams

    Figure 15. Power amplifier diagrams

    Diagram in the figure of 15a can be used when the level of input signal is constant (Uin=const) and can find its use in the systems with the angle modulation. In this diagram occurs control of the gain factor of cascade and by passband due to the stress Ulead which establishes the mode of operation of the active network element. Output signal enters the loop of the feedback, where occurs its rectification and filtration. Rectified signal enters the device of the comparison (CD), as which can be used discrete comparator or the diagram with the assigned nonlinear characteristic. In CD the comparison of the level of output signal with that required occurs. The result of comparison will be given to the controlled attenuator, which if necessary changes the level of the input signal of amplifier, preserving in this case a constant gain factor of entire diagram as a whole. The principle of the operation of diagram on the figure of 15b is analogous. Here as drive signal for CD the preliminarily rectified and filtered input signal of the amplifier stage is used. In this level scheme of the stress Uin varies with time, and this solution can be used for the systems with the amplitude modulation and its varieties (QAM).


    In the course of fulfilling the work were examined the principles of the functioning of the wireless wide-band networks of standard IEEE 802.16 - WiMAX, the specific types of signals and modulations, which are used in these systems. The survey of the general structure of transmitting circuits is carried out, the basic aspects of the construction of their equipment it is determined, that the basic requirements, which now are advanced to this equipment - level of output power, the strip of operating frequencies, the level of out-of-band emissions and noise, the level of interference distortions, cost, efficiency, are to a considerable extent determined precisely by the quality of driver amplifiers. Is made the substantiation of the purpose of the work as the design precisely for the power amplifier of the transmission channel of the wireless wide-band networks WiMAX.

    Were explained the fundamental characteristics of amplifiers, and the specific most important of them, on what precisely and are formed the requirements for the equipment, which is projected. Is carried out the synthesis of the concept of the construction of the driver amplifier of the circuit of the transfer of the wide-band wireless networks of the standard WiMAX. The versions of the basic chart technology solutions and methods of fulfilling the amplifiers were examined. Are examined the finished solutions of the driver amplifiers of the networks WiMAX represented on the market, their characteristics are given. On the base of these characteristics were formed the requirements for the device, which is projected in this work.

    It should be noted that there are two different approaches of the design of the equipment of the SHF- networks WiMAX. First directed toward a constant development and the search for the fundamentally new conceptual solutions. This method is effective, but it is sufficient to uneconomical, since it requires constant large investments, which will be paid only subsequently. The second method provides for the improvement of the already existing structures, and also the examination of the possibility of applying the already known solutions with the design of new equipment.

    Specifically, the second method, which requires smaller economic and temporary expenditures it is priority for the majority of today's companies. This principle was used also for designing the device in this work.

    Is carried out the estimation of the possibility of using the balance cascade with GB in the driver amplifiers of the transmitting circuits of the wide-band wireless networks WiMAX, which operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. This diagram was realized with the design. The analysis of the selected diagram is carried out, the basic parameters of elements are selected, are designed the chains of agreement, and also the quadrature phase splitter of balance cascade.

    Were modelled the output parameters, which are expected with the work of this amplifier. The analysis of the obtained diagram of double-stub was also carried out BUT for the purpose of the determination of the permissible errors in the geometric dimensions during the creation of laboratory mock-up for the measurements. The fundamental characteristics of cascade are represented in the form dependences and graphs.

    The linear model of driver amplifier is created and the evaluation of its fundamental characteristics is carried out. Unfortunately, on the created model it is not possible to measure the nonlinear parameters, although precisely the decrease of their influence and the decrease of interference is the purpose of the subsequent magisterial work.

    Further work assumes the simulation of the version of the chart technology realization of amplifier, of investigating the properties of this diagram proposed and the evaluation of the limits of the margin of the stability of the developed amplification stage.

    Let us note also that, using the approach of the improvement of the existing and to a considerable extent investigated structures of the transmitting circuits, it is possible to substantial decrease the cost of final equipment which will in turn involve the expansion of the market for the allowed services and an increase in the number of users by these services. Today this task is priority for many telecommunication companies.


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